Chapter #13

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(A/N DAILY UPDATES ARE HERE!!! Unless I forget, expect updates every day!)

(Sky's POV)

     This time, I wake up chained to a wall. I wonder if I can swing from the chains? That might be fun to try later. Or maybe I can choke someone with them? That sounds even better! My attention snaps to the people standing in the room. They both look a little familiar, but..... eh. Not like it's important to remember anything. One wears a blood-colored dinosaur onesie, and the other has weird eyes. I wonder if I'm supposed to act nice? I don't remember how I should be acting.

     "Hey chameleon", I say to the one with the wired eyes. He doesn't give me a reaction, but I can see from his eyes that he's mad at me making fun of his eyes, but also sad over something. Well, sadness has no use. What's the point in spending time being sad? Why not just forget about whatever is bothering you? "Lipstick! Can you un-chain me?", I ask Red. "That depends on how much you want to kill someone right now", He says while distractedly looking at the wall. "Can I kill you? I wonder what skin tastes like? Do your clothes taste like strawberries?", I ramble.

Red motions to Derp (or Ian. I can't remember which is which) to unlock me. "Thank you, chameleon", I mock him. That's when he cracks. He instantly tackles me to the ground. I expect this and quickly kick up at his stomach, sending him flying. I lay on the floor and laugh hysterically when he hits the wall. Lipstick smirks before leaving the room.

Derp gets up and makes to leave the room, but I grab onto his ankle. "Drag me", I bluntly say when he looks down at me. He growl and tries to yank his foot away, but only drags me a few inches forward. Chameleon gets an insane grin before starting to pull me up the stairs. We pass a few people in the halls, including someone with a narwhal horn strapped to their head. "Hey squirrel~", I say in sing-song voice. He glances at me, and I continue to get dragged.

We go up a lot of steps before Derp stops at a door. He opens it, and the hangs out the foot that I'm holding onto. I now dangle over a 5 story drop. Ooooo! This looks fun. I let go and instantly plummet downwards. I grab onto a vine feet from the ground, and swing up into a tree. I wonder why it didn't snap? I then jump off that to repeat the process, eventually ending up in a small lake near the building. I resurface and spit lake water from my mouth in Derp's direction. The water tastes terrible, but I can see chameleon glaring at me. Maybe we'll have another brawl later?

     Actually, that sounds really fun! I get out of the lake and head back into the guild hall. I look around at all the people loitering around, and walk over the girl with the fox ears on her hood. "Hey baby fox! Want to start a brawl?", I ask Sonja. She smirks at me before punching me in the face. I whirl around and punch someone else, and baby fox does the same.

Pretty soon, the guild hall is an absolute war zone. No one reaches for a weapon, though, because it's much more fun with fists and feet. I kick someone into a wall before moving onto my next victim. A flash of blood-red flashes in the corner of my vision, and I quickly turn my head to see lipstick. A smile emerges on my face. I still want to kill him.

I sprint over to Red and tackle him to the ground. He pushes me off and slams my head into the ground. Stars cover my vision as I kick lipstick in the croch. He curls up on the ground and whines. I sit on top of him and grab his arm. I bite it until I taste blood. Lipstick retches his arm away and head-buts me off of him. Red's blood coats my mouth. This is going to go until everyone is knocked out expect for the winner. I jump back on Red and start choking him. He flails and kicks at me, but I don't let go. As I slowly watch the life drain from his eyes, the fog of insanity lifts for just a moment. I retract my hands off his throat in horror. And then my grasp on sanity slips through my fingers.

I look down at my prey. He's unconscious. I win! I get up and look around, only to see that everyone who participated in the fight is unconscious or dead, expect me. I really win! I do a small victory dance around the room, announcing my victory to the world. If I won this, could I be in charge here? I stop dancing and ponder the thought. Why not? Why shouldn't I be in charge? Wasn't I suppose to be in charge of something else? Eh, not important. All I know is that I'm going to be the leader of this. Of the the insane assassin guild. It sounds really fun to be the leader. I like the word.... leader.

I think that I'm gonna like it here.

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