Chapter #33

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     I quickly duck underneath an iron blade as it flies towards my head. I have to use speed instead of strength to fight off all the squids who are older and stronger then me. I hope that he will finally understand what war is really like. Will he finally stop being so mean to me, just because he is to be king one day. After this battle, maybe he will stop calling me 'Nameless'.

     I stab the squid in the stomach, rolling out of the way of its body. Another form barrels into me, but not trying to attack me. He clings to my arm. With his face hidden behind  the mask of a helmet, I can't see his face that is so similar to mine. "I-I don't want to be here anymore! Take me back home. P-Please", he almost cries onto my shoulder. All at once, my heart sinks into my stomach.

     What have I done? I put the heir to my kingdom in danger just because I was angry with him. My only task in life is to keep him alive and safe, so that he can one day take the throne. And now I've put him in danger. How selfish can I be? He's more important then I am, it doesn't mater if I die in battle, as long as he lives.

     "Come on. I'll get you somewhere safe until the battle is over", I say while grabbing his hand and leading him away. The battle still rages around us, and I have to block a few blows while weaving through the crowd. A piercing scream splits the air, seeming to make time stop. I know that scream. Everything is in slow motion as I turn my head to see my 'mom' kneeling on the ground, holding the body of my father. The King of the Goldeneye Kingdom. He's dead. And it isn't a moment later until a sword goes through my mother's chest. We were never very close, but they were still my parents.

     I'm frozen in shock as the battle slowly turns for the worst. The squids rally behind the death of the king and queen, killing the remaining soldiers without mercy. I can only stand there numbly. That's is until a pair of arms grab me from behind. I yelp as I'm pulled back away from him. I do nothing as I'm thrown atop my horse and carried away from the battle.

              I don't do anything when I see him left in the battle, to be killed.

     I've failed. And it's all my fault. Why are these last few soldiers trying to save me? I'm not the one that's suppose to live. All my fault. My fault, all of it. I only come out of my daze when SmokeFire, my horse, skids to a halt. We've some how made it into plain with gentle hills on the horizon. But the squids. They surround us at least three times the number of this small group. It's over.

     But I don't want everyone to die. I slip off my horse and grab the arm of a random recruit. He looks a little younger then me and has lost his helmet, showing the green headphones that he wears. Before anyone he can stop me, I pull the necklace out from underneath my shirt, shoving it into his hands and throw him onto SmokeFire. "RUN SMOKEFIRE", I scream at the horse. He seems hesitant, but starts running nerveless.

     "OVER HERE YOU SQUID SCUM! I AM PRICE ADAM OF THE GOLDENEYE KINGDOM! FIGHT ME IF YOU DARE!", I bellow out. The squids insanity charge forward and ignore the fleeing horse. "Why did you do that sir? You could have escaped!", one of the soldiers asked as they prepared to defend me, and die trying.

     "You took the wrong twin"

      And then the squids are upon us. I don't even try to fight back. There's no point. I feel bad about my people dying, but I feel my emotions fading now that the gem from my sword is getting farther and farther away. I always did like to wear it as a necklace then a weapon. A squid soon stands in front of me, with sword swinging and coming for me. So be it. I will die with my people. So, a sword digs into my chest. Pain explodes right next to where my heart is, but I don't give the squids the satisfaction of hearing me scream. I don't know how long I layed there, bleeding out. The squids left after making sure the rest were dead, but leaving me to suffer. I deserve the intense fiery pain for failing to protect my brother.

     But I didn't die. Instead, through blurry eyes, I see a flash of purple crouching over me. "Not yet Sky, not yet. You still have a kingdom to save", a muffled voice says. I feel their hands on my wounds, making me moan in pain. "S-Sorry. But I'm doing this for your own good. My name is Seto, and from now on, if you're ever injured, you'll heal from most wounds in your sleep. If  you get hit and instantly die, you won't heal from that. The only bad part is that I have to make you lose your memory for about 16 months. I wish I could help you more, but I don't think I'll be here to help you later, old friend. Good luck".

    With that, I drift into unconsciousness

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