Chapter #30

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(A/N shit's about to go down)

(Ian/Derp's POV)

     "Thank you, Thank you so much Jason. You have no idea what this means for us. We really can win this", Ty almost sobs, clutching the little Jason to his chest. This is crazy. We may be mounting a full scale attack right at the heart of the squid take over. This could be a suicide mission if it goes wrong.

'Not liKe iT'S the wOrst thIng PossiBle'
'Easy for you to say, you're not the one going to fight'
'You'Re the iNsAnE one if yOu tHinK that I wOUld LeT you get YourSelF kiLLed'
'I'm not that bad at fighting'
'OnLy if it'S a cOOking battLe'
'We'll talk more about this later'

I quickly end the conversation with myself because I don't like the idea of him trying to protect me. We'll both die if we get hit with a killing blow, but only the person in control with feel all the pain before. I can't ask him to do that when he's already lived his life being called a freak. People would be fine with me until he tried to be friendly, and it's really gotten to him no matter how hard he tries to hide it from me. We are technically the same person.

My thoughts snap themselves off when yelling breaks out from the entrance of the camp. The seven of us barely hesitate before rushing out of the tent. Jason is shoved into the middle of our running group for protection. Even though we don't know what's happening, weapons are drawn and gleaming. Derp is gearing up to shove me to the back of our mind despite me not wanting him to take my place.

But what meets us at the gate has everyone gawking in confusion. It seems the the entirety of the camp has also gathered here with us. A tall man with travel worn clothing stands before us. He has shaggy brown hair that sticks up in a few places. He is eyes are a lapis blue, slightly dilated in fear. He actually looks kinda like Sky. His face is more serious looking, and maybe colder in a way, though. But what has us all staring is the crown he carries in his hands. Smaller then a king's crown, but made with the same golden metal and swirling patterns.

     He is the first one to speak. "I'm so happy to finally find you. I've been looking for a really long time now since I've come out of hiding", he explains, taking a cautious step closer. "........Who are you?", Mitch hesitantly asks, his tone of voice more hostile then anyone expected. The man seems to be a little caught off guard before picking back up with, "I'm sorry, I guess formal introductions haven't been done yet. My name is Adam, rightful ruler of the Goldeneye kingdom".

     Before even a word can be said, loud laughing breaks out from somewhere behind me. The crowd seems just as shocked and parts to reveal a lone figure almost falling to the ground in laughter. His black cloak and hood probably hide him pretty well, but I'd know that laugh anywhere. It seems that all of the Nether is about to break loose.



(Sky's POV)

     I can't help but burst out laughing at this guy. Even the sting of a new tattoo on my back can't stop my giggles. I mean, this is hilarious. They got pretty close, but this guy still doesn't look like him exactly. "That's a real good one! You should be a comedian", I giggle, walking up the path created by the crowd and standing in front of the stranger. I made sure to bring up all the insanity that I have, just to make this a bit more fun. All rational thought is thrown out the window. The voices come up with really good ideas!

"I see you fit the part, but unfortunately I'm gonna have to arrest you for copy write", I say in a bit of a sarcastic voice. "W-What? Who are you? You shouldn't be t-talking to me like that", he threatens. "You really think so? I'm pretty sure Mitch wants to throttle you for messing with his head, suddenly appearing like this, Prince Adam. Then again, I was on his kill list a few days ago, so I guess I can't say much", I ramble. My sudden topic change and neutral tone has him just plain confused. I didn't even realize that I had started walking circles around him.

"I don't want to come off on the wrong foot here. How can I prove to you that I am Adam?", he blurts. So maybe he's done his research? Let's find out. "Ok then, let's play a game. I ask three questions. You get them all right, then you can go have a nice chat with my buddy Ty over there. You get one wrong........ you'll just have to wait and see", I tease. "I agree. I can answer your questions", he says, just a little too fast for my liking. But the bait has been taken, and the game has begun.

I think I'd like him to know who is going to kill him, it's more fun that way. Before asking the questions, I unhook the cloak from around my neck. It's funny to see his face when he sees mine. Everyone here will recognize me as Sky now, but they won't interfere until our game is over. I briefly noted the two new faces with the rest of my friends, but my adrenaline and insanity pushed the fact away. The game is the most important thing at the moment.

"I'll give you an easy one first. How old are you?", I ask him. "I'm Eighteen. Thirteen when people thought I was killed", he responds. "One point to you then. Here's a harder one. How many battles did you fight in before your supposed death?", I smirk. Lest's see how good of an actor he is. "I think it was twenty-four over the three years", he eventually answers. It's funny that he didn't count the fist fight that once broke out at a so called 'Peace meeting'.

"Good for you, you've actually gotten farther then the last clown I met. Would you care to amuse me by trying the answer the third question?", I smile creepily, stopping in front of him. I actually feel kinda bad for what I'm about to do. Silly emotions. Too bad I hadn't run into him before now. I would've done much worse back then. "So Prince Adam, I know that you were kept away from most people except your teachers, but there just so happens to be people here who you talked to quit a lot. Maybe you didn't care for one of them, but too bad. Name them", I end simply. I cross my arms across my chest and watch his face look around. This question probably isn't fair, but I find it funny. Prince Adam did give one of the people their name, after all.

"Is that Jason?", he asks. He seems so exited about remembering his studies, but there's no way any book or record could help him. Jason has been watching us this whole time. I remember the face and name at the moment, but not really anything else is making It's was through the insanity haze at the moment. "That's one, but the other person is who you should've noticed first", I idly comment while the fake starts to look around again. When he still keeps looking, I get bored very fast. "Would you like a hint just because I'm in a good mood today?", I sigh. I don't wait for an answer.

"Nameless is my name. Does that ring a bell? No? I guess you failed then", I don't even give him a chance to speak. He'll have no idea what that clue meant. A budder dagger seems to appear in my hand of its own will. The fake stumbles back in fear. "I-I am A-Adam! Let me try again!", he cries. I like seeing him afraid. The insanity in my mind is way too high at this point for me to calm down. My now twisted mind likes seeing him beg. I suppose I have the time to play a little longer before someone steps in. I know Mitch will soon try to get to the bottom of this. He's already close to figuring it out, but I don't think he suspects what's really going on.

(A/N I love confusing my readers. I can't wait to see your reactions when the truth comes out 😂)

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