Chapter #18

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(Sky's POV)

I wake up to the sound of voices. My head pounds, and my throat feels scratchy. The taste of iron also coats my tongue. Instead of immediately bolting out of the bed, I stay still and take stock of my surroundings. I'm definitely in a bed, but it kinda smells like ketchup. From the amount of breathing in the room, it must be two people and me in here.

"....... and I thought he might be able to figure out what's wrong with Sky. And maybe help with his insanity. I can't believe Seto's gone. We really could of used his help", I hear headphones say. "Ands he couldn't of just lefts a note? Maybe hes just went for a walks", purple lipstick says. Why are they here? How did they find our secret base? The guild hall is literally in the middle of nowhere. Wait..... are we in the guild? I don't hear anyone yelling.

I hear Ty sigh before saying, "Hopefully Sky wakes up soon, and we can talk some sense into him. We also need to start coming up with a new plan. Simply raiding supply shipments isn't going to win us this war. I hope Aleasa comes back soon", he says. Aleasa.......... is that name important? Why does it seem like it is? Nothing is suppose to matter. "She's probably just takings her owns sweets time", Barney laughs. "Maybe......", headphones mumbles before I hear both of them leaving the room. The door swings shut, and I hear the click of a lock.

     I swing up out of bed and quickly check over my inventory. They took my sword!? Those jerks. The knives are gone from the sheaths on my leather arm guard, but the small knife on the inside of my pant leg is still there. I draw it out and twirl it in my hand before sticking it into the sheath on my arm. It'll be easier to draw that way. The room I'm in has one door, one bed. It looks like the sort of room where you'd put people who are really sick or hurt. I wonder why we have none of these rooms at the guild?

I'm sooooooo bored. Could someone come and put me out of my misery? Why would they leave me in hear for sooooo long? And everything looks so boring........ how do I get out? Just as a plan is forming, I hear a blaring siren go off. Yelling and shouting take over all other sounds. The bang of sword against sword, arrow hitting flesh, is slowly making my vision go red. I need to kill something. Forgetting my sneaky tactic from earlier, I start to ram the door with all of my weight. It gives in after three tries. I fall flat on my face but quickly jump up and watch what's around me.

Chaos everywhere. People are everywhere, running around with weapons, all heading to the edge of camp. A flash of blue grabs my attention. A squid. Vile creatures. Blood is blood, but it seems more satisfying when it's dark blue. Both sides of my sanity seem to finally agree on something: kill, and protect.

I lurch forward into motion. A line of defenders hold back the squids between two buildings. I make a few more quick steps before launching myself into the air. I twist my body mid flight so I land sideways on the wall of a building. I crouch down upon impact and am able to step forward and kick off the wall. My flight propels me straight into the middle of the squid mass. A few people shout about me committing suicide, but I'm far from that.

The squids turn away from the defenders and bring their swords at the one who is in their midst. Unfortunately for them, they're dealing with me. I instinctively duck and stick my dagger into a squid ankle before rolling between to others. I then jump up and stick my dagger into one's head. It crumples to the ground while I steal its sword. I lunge to the side and stick the blade into a squid's stomach. I ditch the new sword to jump out of the way of an incoming blow. Another sword swings down from the corner of my eye, and I quickly block it with my dagger.

Instinct kicks into play, as my thoughts leave me. Roll, slice, duck, kick, jab, duck, dodge. Before long, a pile of bodies forms around me. The people of this camp are staring to do amazing work, now that the squids are mostly targeting me. I dodge badly, getting a cut on the back on my leg. I use a squid's own sword to skewer it's head as an arrow grazes my face. A sword finds its way into my shoulder after a careless side step. But I still swing my dagger across their chest in retaliation.

Just as my vision is starting to swirl, someone's back presses against mine. I spare a glance to see Derp with his glasses off and guarding my back. I have to admit, it easier to fight when there's another pair of eyes. Blue blood coats us like butter. And pretty soon, I don't see anymore squids coming for us.

I look around to see the last of the repulsive things running away from us like cowards. I can't help but chase after the one closest to us. I charge at him and knock him over, twisting him onto his back. I straddle his waist with a knife pressed to his neck. "W-Wait! M-Mercy p-please. I never w-wanted to fight. Th-They made m-me!", he sobs, tears streaming from his eyes. This is when I notice that he's not even a squid. Blue skin and eyes, but not a squid. An orange tail and fins on his head instead of tentacles on his back. Webbed hands and feet. Iron shackles are on his wrist, and he only wears pants, exposing the gills on his sides. His eyes show nothing except fear. The arrow sticking out of his arm other arm looks a little funny.

I twirl the dagger in my hand and and move it down to his arm. I can hear yelling from behind me, but I ignore it. The blade cuts a shallow gash down his arm, the wound leaking blood. But my killing rage finally seems satisfied when he bleeds red. "Well why didn't you say that in the first place? Now let's get you patched up!", I chirp with my usual cheer. He seems confused by my sudden mood change, but too scared to question it. I stand up and pull the fish up with me, swinging an arm around his neck. "Ya know, I'm actually not feeling too good at this moment", I slur, the blood loss staring to take effect, "If I pass out, tell Chameleon that me and you are good". The hybrid is now holding up almost all my weight, stumbling a little bit as I try to take step forward.

     All my injuries seem to pulse with fire. Black flashes in front of me, and a strained smile lights up on my face. "Ian. Nice of you to join the party! Meet my new pal here, um, what's your name?", I ask the fish as Ian comes up to us, wearing his sunglasses of course. "M-My name? No one has c-called me by n-name in years. B-But it's Q-Quinten", he stutters out. "You don't look very old, how long has it been since you were born?", I continue, exhaustion staring to drag at my limbs. "Sixteen", he says, finally without a stutter. "Well Quinten, Cobblestone here is going to make sure your patched up and all good while I take a nap". With that, my body shuts down and stops trying to hold itself up. Quinten is dragged down with me as I face plant into the ground.

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