Chapter #25

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(Sky's POV)

The messengers came back two days later, trickling back in from dawn to noon. Each camp asked for a copy of the map, and asking how they got it. Hearing of the upcoming battle, a few soldiers from each camp came back with the messengers to help. Around 40 people are now going to fight. This is going to be so fun! Maybe I can hang a live squid on a pole and carry it around! I'm sure that'd make other squids not want to fight me, which is bad. Maybe I should just hang a squid up at this camp. Yeah, that sounds better. I want the squids to fight me. I haven't feared death in a loooooong time, and I'm not about to start now!

"Sky! Ares you comings?", Barney yells at me. I turn away from the tree I was staring at and run over to the group. Everyone is saddling up there horses or already on them with their weapons. My budder sword and silver knives have thankfully been returned to me. "Yeah purple lipstick, I'm here", I reply. He laughs at the name I gave him.

I walk past him and over to the horse corral where Ty is. Only a few of the horses are still in the pen. Two chestnut mares and a gray stallion. Two people are in the pen and trying, and failing, to rope the stallion. "Whatcha doing headphones?", I ask Ty. "We're trying to catch the gray horse. The other two need to stay here in case their needed. We would leave the stallion, but he can't be trusted to be ridden in an emergency", Ty explains. "Well your doing it all wrong. SmokeFire won't be caught like this", I say while walking over to the pen. "How'd you know it's name?", Ty asks, but I ignore the question. I frankly don't remember.

     Instead, I climb up onto the top of the fence and watch the war horse gallop around the pen. He charges around the lassos and weaves around the recruits trying to catch him. SmokeFire makes a rotation around the pen, worn horseshoes beating the ground. I crouch atop the fence and wait. As soon as he gets level with me, I spring forward and to the side. I land firmly on SmokeFire's back with my legs around his stomach, my hands holding onto his mane. He rears up and screams out a challenge, falling back down and charging forward. The recruits scramble out of the way as SmokeFire hurdles through the pen.

     He bucks and spins, trying to dislodge me from his back. I move one hand towards the top of his main, the other at the bottom. SmokeFire evens out into a run and I swiftly bring up my feet do that I crouch on his back. "HAIL! SMOKEFIRE!", I yell as he continues to run. SmokeFire rears up at his name, my feet effortlessly switching onto his shoulders. He falls back down with my legs going back around his side. "Shh Shh, it's ok boy. It's ok SmokeFire", I say to him. He trots forward a few steps before shuffling around in place and looking back at me.

     He stares at me for a long moment before seeming satisfied, and walks back towards the gate. I pat his neck on the way over. "How in the Nether did you get SmokeFire to listen to you!? That horse listens to no one!"l Ty freaks. "I'm not giving him orders. We're both agreeing to do things together. SmokeFire will take me into battle, but I won't put a saddle on him. He hates the saddles", I say. "Your just full of surprises, aren't you", Ty laughs while opening the gate for SmokeFire.

     I only grin my signature smirk, riding over to the rest of the group. Ty mounts his horse and joins up with the front of the group. "Move out!", He yells over all of our voices. "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee", I screech as SmokeFire charges forward. I hear Ian yell at me to get back in the formation, but both SmokeFire and I want to run. We race around the rest of the troops that weave through the trees. I ride a little ahead, then a little behind, always keeping the army in sight. I don't remember the last time I've ridden a horse, but SmokeFire and I each move the same while racing through the trees. He moves to the left, I adjust my arms and legs to make his run smoother. He jumps into the air and I lean forwards to even out the balance. This is amazing.

SmokeFire eventually gets tired and slows to a trot. I then lead him back to join the rest of the calvary. We come back with the army stopped at a river to water the horses and stop for the night. I dismount and lead SmokeFire to the water with a hand on his side. "Stay", I firmly say to him. He huffs and pretends to ignore me while drinking some water. I pat him and walk away to find my friends.

     "Hey tribute", I joyfully shout while wrapping an arm around his neck. He reacts on instinct and immediately flips me over his shoulder. "Oops. Sorry Sky", Mitch says, sounding not very sorry at all. "You need to stay with us tomorrow, ok? We'll get to the base around noon", Ty states. "Around noon!? Then I need to do something real quick", I say, hopping to my feet. I climb up a tree and hang off on of the top branches. I take a quick survey on the land before doing something. I screech. It's a blood curdling scream that would make anything wet itself. It echoes around the woods, probably about a two mile radius.

     Some of the recruits even screamed at the sound. I climb back down the tree with an accomplished smirk on my face. "What in the Nether was that for!?", Ty yells at me. I can see that a few of the soldiers fainted at the sound. "Sorry Ty. I was just letting a friend know that I'm here, and could use their assistance", I explain in an even tone. "Your just lucky that we're not close to the base yet", Mitch grumbles. "Even if we were, I still would've yelled", I say with honesty. He huffs at me and leaves to go set up his tent.

"Quiiiiiiiiiinteeeeeeeeen", I call while wandering off to find the fish. Just gotta make sure the fish is still alive.

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