Chapter #34

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(Sky's POV)

     "What do you mean that you're not Adam!? Everything you've said or done proves that fact that you are!", Mitch argues with me. "I hate to break it to ya, but I'm not Adam", I giggle. "Who else can you be? I've seen your shoulder", Aleasa says in disbelief. My smirk falters a bit at the reminder. It's the one thing I haven't been able to escape.

I grab the knife from my belt and quickly slice through the knotted thread holding my arm guard on. I'm not going to be needing it anytime soon. The fancy leather work quickly slides to the floor and is forgotten. Sorry friend. You have served me well, but no longer. "That's some tan line", Jerome mumbles. My one arm is actually pretty pale. I guess that's what happens when skin doesn't see sunlight for 4 years. "What was I just going to do?", I question out loud. "Your back maybe?", Ian says with a shrug. "No, it wasn't that..... something else? Uh, was it just to make a joke about the tan line?", I ramble.

Commotion from outside draws away my attention. I lunge forward into a short sprint and grab Jason just as he's barreling through the tent entrance. He could of hit his head on the table. He's wearing his spacesuit but is carrying the helmet. "I found my spacesuit! It was still by where that fake you was talking", Jason gushes as he smiles up at me.

Someone chokes on air behind me, and I finally remember why I cut off the arm guard. I turn back and see everyone staring at the cursed birthmark that I wear. "You're close, Mitch. I am a son of  GoldenEye's late king and queen, but I'm not the one you need", I try to calmly say. Mitch remains silent. I know that he's thought about this senerio before, but just didn't think it was possible. It's kinda funny to finally see it all go down.

     "......You're a twin", Mitch says flatly. I only smirk at him. "But that can't be right, there were never two princes", Ty asks in confusion. My smile gets even wider. "When you think of what Prince Adam did, like fighting in the war at age ten, that was me", I giggle, "but what he represented, the next heir of the GoldenEye Kingdom, that was my twin. I was never meant to rule".

     "Why didn't we know about both of you?", Aleasa asks in confusion. "If someone tried to assassinate Prince Adam or he fell in battle, it would of been me. My brother never left the castle and received all his training in the catacombs. I was the only one besides his teachers and our parents to talk with him", I sigh, "I'm just the distraction that nobody needs. And it's my fault that my brother is dead. I made him come to a battle to see what it was like, and then everything came crashing down. But I had the chance to save one more person who actually deserved it". I look at Ty after speaking. He's done so much to help get the kingdom back, and I'm glad I got him out of that battle.

"It doesn't matter if you had a twin or not. Your shoulder says that you are a prince. And we need you to fight to get your thrown back", Mitch says sternly. I can't help but laugh at that. "You think that I'm here because I want to rule? I could care less about what happens by the end of this", I lie, "I'm only here to get my amulet from Ty". "Are you kidding me? You can't just leave now", Mitch argues. The others are just watching us at this point, Jason basically leaning on my leg. I didn't really want him in here to see this side of me. They don't understand what exactly I'm running from.

     "Are you going to stop me from leaving? I'm still insane, remember? Just because my amulet lets me feel emotion again, doesn't mean that I will hesitate to kill you", I deadpan, letting my voice drop into a lower pitch. "If you won't lead, will you at least have the decency to help", Mitch says while crossing his arms. I don't answer. I instead detach Jason from my leg and walk over to Ty. He seems confused before I reach out and pull up the chain from around his neck. It doesn't do him any good, but I probably should be dead by now without my amulet. Being close to it again made my coughing temporarily stop, but it happened again when I left.

     I take my amulet and turn back to the door. Mitch only glares at me as I walk past him. Why do emotions make this so hard? I still don't stop walking until I'm outside. I faintly hear Jason saying that I'll come back, and I grudgingly feel bad for letting him down. Maybe I should of died after the first year of not having my amulet. Heck, I should've died on the battlefield. But apparently some purple blob called Seto thought I should still live. It was silly of him to give his healing ability to me. And now look what I'm doing with it, going back to hide in a madhouse of killers. Home sweet home I guess.

I ignore the watching eyes of the soilders as I mount SmokeFire. I'm sure that they won't mind a few rebellious spirits running away. I'm actually really exited to go back and see everyone. I wonder if they've missed me? Maybe we can go hunting when I get back. My insanity rises of its own accord, pushing away any old thoughts as I lead SmokeFire forwards. Where am I going again?

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