Meet Stevie Jones

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Jasmine "Stevie" Stephanie Jones -Portrayed by Hailee Steinfeld

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Jasmine "Stevie" Stephanie Jones -Portrayed by Hailee Steinfeld

Jughead Jones' twin sister (she's older by two minutes and she won't let anyone forget it), she loves one thing more than she loves her family and that is photography. You can always catch her taking pictures, whether it's with her phone or her camera. The bitch has an attitude for days and much like Juggy "sardonic humor is just her way of relating to the world", but that attitude melts away when her Dad is around. He's the only one allowed to call her Jasmine (he only does it when she's in trouble) if anyone else calls her by her real name she'll cut a bitch. She and Archie dated the summer before ninth grade and that was when she realised that dating the 'boy next door' is stupid and no fun. She has a tattoo under her boobs (don't tell FP, he'll call her Jasmine). She has an unhealthy obsession with Demi Lovato (don't ask). She actually learned how to ride a motorcycle before Jughead because she convinced their father somehow. And she's never had a bestfriend. Friends? Yes. Best Friend? No. But she wants one. Really bad.

Playlist- (I'll probably add more songs to this)

Her tattoo:


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Okay, I got a little excited with all the positive feedback for this idea so I want you guys to meet our girl Stevie!
Anyway, I made an IG  so that I can interact with you guys (maybe post sneak peeks) and update you on stuff bc it's easier than doing it on here. So go follow @_5sauxe_on instagram if you please.

Let me know what you think off her!

Get ready for "Gangsta"


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