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"Woah, woah

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"Woah, woah. What?" Jughead opens the bedroom door behind me and follows me in. "What do you mean you're dating Sweet Pea?"

"Who said that?" I play dumb hoping he'll just drop it and leave me alone.

"You!" He says.

"Really? I don't remember saying that." I state and walk into the kitchen.

"Cut the crap. What is going on? You and Sweet Pea? I thought you hated him." He follows me out of the bedroom.

I turn around and sigh. "I don't know, I thought I did too. Turns out not so much." I shrug my shoulders.

"When did this happen?" He asks.

"Christmas, kind of." I go and sit down on the couch and Jughead sits down next to me.

"You've been dating since Christmas? Are you kidding?" He asks in shock.

"Not dating. At first we were just messing around, ya know and then it wasn't just messing around." I sink down into the couch and grab the necklace hanging from my neck and a small smile creeps it's way on to my face.

"Oh my God." Jughead whispers and I turn my face to him. "You like actually like him, don't you?"

I bite my bottom lip to keep myself from smiling any harder and I nod. "Yeah."

The door opens and Dad walks in. "Tall Boy won't be coming back anytime soon."

Jughead sighs, "Good. He was a coward."

"You know, riding back, I was thinking, maybe I should take a page from your book and have a sit-down with McCoy. Now that we know that Hiram Lodge is responsible for what happened to the statue, I say we show her the head, appeal to her sense of justice." Dad suggests and Jughead makes a weird nervous face. "What, you don't like that plan?" Dad asks as he walks into the living room. He looks around for a moment and I do the same trying to figure out what is going on. "Wait a second. Boy, where the hell is Pickens' head?" Dad asks angrily.


"You know, this seems like a conversation for you guys to have alone so I'm gonna go somewhere else." I say and stand.

"Stop! Did you have anything to do with this?" He asks me.

I shake my head. "No! I wasn't even here." Oh shit.

"You weren't here? Where were you?" He asks.

"With...Toni! I was with Toni." I say and hope he buys it.

He looks at me skeptically. "Alright."

"Okay, goodnight. Don't kill him, Dad!"


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