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I wake up to the sound of a shower turning off

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I wake up to the sound of a shower turning off. I sit up on the couch in Sweet Pea's living room and stretch causing the shirt he gave me to wear to rise up. I may be five eight but he's still almost a foot taller than me so he shirt is practically a dress on me. I make my way into the kitchen and see a pot of coffee sitting on the counter so I pour myself a cup and hop up onto the counter. 

Sweet Pea walks into the kitchen in just his jeans and no shirt. His hair is still wet from his shower so some water drips down his chest and makes it glisten. I catch myself staring at him. 

"You like something you see?" He asks with a smirk. 

I rip my eyes away from abs, "You wish." 

He walks over to me and stares at me intently. He reaches up and grabs a bowl off the shelf behind me. That damn smirk never leaves his face. 

"You want me to take you by your  house so you can change before school?" He asks and shoves a large spoonful of cereal in his mouth. 

"That'd be great, thanks." I say and take a sip of my coffee. "You're a lot nicer in the morning." 

"Really? And when do you get nice?" 

"You know what? I take that back, you're an asshole at all times." I hop down off the counter. 

"I try." He smirks at me again. 


I shut my locker when the doors of Southside High are suddenly thrown open. Mayor McCoy and Sheriff Keller walk down the hall followed by officers and drug dogs. Suddenly I'm thrown up against my locker. 

"Hey, get off me!" I push back. Someone pulls the officer off of me and when I turn around I see multiple officers shoving Sweet Pea up against the lockers opposite of mine. "Sweet Pea!" 

"Run!" He slams his fist against the locker and I turn down the hallway and out the door. I see Archie pulling Jughead down the steps. 

"Jug!" I run over to him and he wraps his arms around me. "They didn't get you." I say in a breath of relief. "They got Sweet Pea and Toni and Fangs and everyone."

"I know, Stevie, but we have to go now." I climb on the back of Jughead's bike and he pulls out of the school parking lot. 

The three of us end up at Pop's. I sit in the booth sulking while Jughead paces back and forth. 

"Jughead, calm down." Archie says. 

"Calm down? Archie, Riverdale just became a police state." Jughead says in aggravation. 

"McCoy is convinced the Serpents are dealing Jingle Jangle." Archie tells him. 

"Serpents don't deal that stuff. The Ghoulies do." Jughead says. 

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