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"Fair warning

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"Fair warning. Our Shadow Lake chalet is rustic, but it has breath taking views of the mountains, and the water." Veronica says. Her and Archie are going away for the weekend to her families cabin and she just invited Jughead and Betty to join them. 

"Oh my God, that sounds heavenly, V." Betty says dreamily. She turns to Jughead, "What do you say, Jug? Can you bear it?" 

Jughead looks around for a moment, "As long as it's cool with your Dad." He says. 

"Mr. Lodge actually suggested it." Archie informs us. 

"Well then cue the dueling banjos." The four of us share a look of 'huh?' "What? And it'll be a good chance for me to work on my novel."

"Excellent! But remember the point of this luxury weekend is to relax and unplug." Veronica says. 

Suddenly Cheryl walks into the room. "Luxury and weekend , two of my favorite words. So where are we going and how extravagant a wardrobe should I pack?" She asks eagerly.

"Sorry, Cheryl. It's sort of a romantic, couples-only weekend." Veronica stumbles a bit to find an excuse for Cheryl not to go.

Cheryl takes a breath, almost like she's embarrassed. "I see. Of course, my mistake. Have fun with your romances." She turns and walks out of the room. 

We all look at each other. "That was painful to watch." I sigh. 

"Speaking of couples, Stevie, why don't you and your beau join us?" Veronica suggests in a chipper voice. 

"Me and Sweet Pea?" I ask and she nods. "I'm not sure if that's a good idea, Ronnie." 

"Oh, come on! It'll be fun. Put aside the Southside, Northside stuff for a few days and come with us." She pleads. 

I look around and see the worry on Jughead's face and then the irritation on Archie's. "Okay, I'll ask him." I give in. 

"Yay! This is gonna  be so much fun!" Veronica beams. 

"I guess, I'll go find him. I'll text you in a bit." I say and walk out the door into the hall. 

I peer down the hallway and see Sweet Pea standing at his locker and rush over to him. 

"Hey." I smile at him. 

"Hey, Princess." He leans over and kisses my cheek. "What's up?" 

"Well, Ronnie has invited us to go to her parents cabin this weekend and I was wondering if you wanted to go?" I ask. 

"Just us?" He asks. 

"No. Jughead and Betty will be there and, of course, Ronnie. And Archie." I say the last part waringly. 

Sweet Pea drops his head back and groans. 

"I know you don't like him but this could be a great opportunity for us to be together without having to sneak around my Dad for a whole weekend. Please!" I tug on his arm and pout like a child. 

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