Chapter 5

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I walked in the door, taking a deep breath to prepare myself for what lies ahead. My father yelled out from his office, "Tyler come in here". I slowly walked to his office, I could feel my wolf tucking her tail between her legs. I knew I was about to be in big trouble for how I was speaking to them lately. I walked into the office, avoiding eye contact with my father.

"Sit" he said in his alpha voice, making me sit immediately. I gulped and looked up, his eyebrow was raised at me. I was slightly confused because I thought I was about to get reamed out but that wasn't happening.

"You look confused" he said bluntly

"Uh yeah cause I thought we were gonna discuss what happened"

"Oh right no, I'll gladly overlook it, if you agree to one thing"

"What? This must be something crazy because you never let things go"

"No no just that you get married, to the brother of an Alpha, in a week"

I wasn't sure how to react, I was both so mad that I could punch a hole in the wall but another part of me was kinda defeated and tired of searching. I blinked a few times, unsure what else to do. My wolf was furious, she wanted her mate and only her mate. I on the other hand was unsure that they even existed. I took a few deep breaths before answering him.

"I want to meet him before I agree to it and why not an alpha?"

"Well their pack needs the help and since their 'alpha' is an unmarried female, this could bring our packs together. They're pretty desperate and vulnerable"

"What's his name?"

"Mason, I think he goes to school with you"

"Uh yeah he's actually in one of my classes, he seems nice"

Mason was tall, about 6"2, and he was handsome but I don't know, I didn't see him as that. He had dark brown hair and bluish grey eyes, I also had to admit that he was insanely in shape but the feeling I got when I was around him was more like a brother, not a husband.

"Well him and his family are coming over for dinner so you'll get to know him better then"

"Oh um okay"

"I have to say Tyler, I'm surprised you aren't mad"

"I don't know, I guess I'm just tired of waiting" I said as I left my father's office and went outside.

It'd been a while since I had let my wolf out so I figured I'd better do that now so I can control her better tonight. I undressed and shifted into my auburn wolf. I was larger then the rest of the wolves in my pack because I was an Alpha, even if my brother was first born, I still had Alpha blood.

I decided to go for a run and sprinted to the forest. It felt good to run at full speed, feeling the ground under my paws, the dirt on my claws, the wind in my fur, there was no better feeling. I ran until the territory line and came to a halting stop, careful not to cross it. If I dared to step even one paw across that line, the alpha of that pack would be able to come into our land, and do with me what they please. The consequences of rules are harsh but they ensure that they aren't broken.

I stood there for a bit, just smelling the air. The smell of nature always had a way to help me think clearly. The smell of the different trees was my favourite. The smell of pine, maple and birch was just so calming. I feel bad for humans that can't smell this as easily as me, they're really missing out.

I smelt 2 wolves cross onto my land and immediately recognized the one as Mason's and the other his mother, Allison. I darted home and shifted back, getting dressed quickly.

I had just zip up my pants when they emerged from the forest I had just been in. I opened the front door and called to my parents, they came out right away. The 2 wolves in front of me bowed to my father and I. Mason was a dark brown wolf, much like his hair colour. His mother was a grey wolf with bits of white fur mixed in. They both went to either sides of my house and came back fully clothed. Mason was in a dress shirt with a black tie and dark jeans. His mother wore a light pink sundress. The only thought I had was that I hated pink.

"Hello Alpha Cyrus, nice to see you again" Allison said shaking his hand. I had always loved my father's name, it radiated with power.

"You as well Allison, this is my wife Lily and my daughter, Tyler"

"Nice to meet you both, this is my son, Mason. My daughter will be here soon, she had some business to attend to first"

This immediately peaked my interest. I had that weird feeling again when she mentioned her. Mason shook my father's hand and kissed mine. He was sweet but it still felt weird.

The adults went inside to get drinks while Mason and I awkwardly stood outside. He was rocking on his heels, hands in his pockets and looking at the ground. I giggled a little and he looked up at me shocked and confused.

"Who would've thought that the boy I was so mean to, I would end up marrying?"

He kinda chuckled and smirked at me. He took a deep breath and looked down at me, his eyes filled with sorrow.

"I'm sorry that you don't get a mate"

"It's okay, I'm over it I guess. I suppose you don't either"

"It's okay, this was my idea"

"Why would you suggest this?"

"My mom is really stressed and my sister is on a power trip so I thought this could help"

Just as he mentioned her, I felt another wolf enter my territory. My heart began to beat fast in my chest and my wolf became unsettled. I didn't know why, I was just as much an Alpha as she was.

I realized what it was the minute her all white wolf emerged from the forest. My wolf went crazy and the word I said shocked even me.


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