Just the Beginning

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Chapter One

All I could focus on was the music blaring from the speakers and my outfit. I was dressed in skinny jeans, a white crop top, and white vans. My usually straighten dark brown hair was curled to pull my whole outfit together. I thought my outfit would be simple and easy, but my crop top kept exposing more skin than I would've liked and my vans were dirty.

How could you be so stupid Mara? who wears white vans...to a dance?!

I mentally punished myself for making such an idiotic outfit choice.

"Mara! Hey! Earth to Mara!" Sydney waved her hands in front of my face. I snapped back to reality.


"Were you thinking about Chase again?"

Ahh... Chase. For a moment, I had forgotten about him. Chase was my boyfriend of nine months until recently. He dumped me for this chick named Calissa. The worst part was that they were here tonight. They were currently in a corner eyeing me out as I danced.

"No. I was actually just judging my fashion choices, but thanks for reminding me." I could taste the sarcasm on my tongue.

"Don't let them get to you. They're just jealous they can't move like you."

"Thanks love." I smiled at Syd. She was one of my very best friends even though we had only met this school year, but it felt like we'd known each other our whole lives. She wasn't that social in eighth grade so when we became best friends this year, it was kind of a surprise. A wonderful surprise.

As the music continues to pump out through the speakers, lame pop songs begin to play. I continue to awkwardly stand with my friends in a circle as they jam to the music. After what feels like forever, I assume someone must of sensed my awkwardness radiating from my person as I began to feel the stare of another upon my body.

Who could be looking at me? Am I really that awkward amongst my friends? Maybe it's all this white I'm wearing, making me stick out like a sore thumb....

I look around aimlessly until I meet a pair of eyes... Brown eyes. Framed by black ray ban glasses. Somehow, in their own funny way, they were breath takingly lovely.

As I came to my senses and realized how long me and mystery eyes were holding contact for, I broke the bond first.

I looked back to my circle of friends. They were all so busy grooving to the music that no one had just realized what had just happened besides me.

What had just happened? What am I feeling? Oh god. Is this... No. It can't be. I don't believe in....

Thank god for the night or else someone would've noticed me turning a slight shade of pink....

I don't believe in love at first sight.


Author's Note:

Hello my lovely readers! I'm sorry this chapter ends on a sort of like, cliff hanger? I promise you won't regret sticking with my story though. (:

I would love to hear feedback, good or bad, so please comment, vote, and share.

Love, blindedbydramatics <3

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