Alex Afraid of Kara? What?

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"Oh my gosh Alex!  I forgot how funny this movie was!  What's the title again?"  Kara was laughing so hard she could barley breathe.

"Ummm....let me see.  Oh here it is, Bruce Almighty."  That was one of Alex's favorite movies.

"That's the way it was.  That's the way the cookie crumbles!  I love that line!"

"It is pretty funny.  Hey Kara, I was meaning to ask you something."

"Yeah what's up?"

"You've still seemed a bit shaken by finding out Mon-El is married.  I wanted to know if you are completely okay.  Like am I going to find you destroying the city or what?"  They both laugh a little.

"You know Alex, I am never going to be completely okay.  It is what it is.  Plus, I have the best sister in the world so, I don't think I will be destroying the city like 2 years ago." Kara then pulled Alex up to herself and hugged her tightly.


"Ok Alex why do you sound like that?"

"Sound like what?"

"Like you're trying to hide something from me."

"Kara, really I'm fine."

"Okay, suit yourself.  Keep it all to yourself.  Bottle it up and make that same mistake I made."

"Just watch the movie."  Kara looked at Alex once more and thought, I know Alex is hiding something from me and I'm going to find out what it is.

Kara layed her head on Alex's shoulder and watched the rest of the movie.  They laughed and mimicked Jim Carrey through the entire film.

Four Days Later At The DEO...

"Wow, umm...Kara, Alex, everyone...we got a bad Alien one the loose." Winn said with a worried look on his face.

"A hellgrimite." J'onn said with confidence.

"A hellgrimite." Winn said wanting to have said it first to impress Kara.

"I thought they were completely wipped out." Alex said just for the sake of saying something.

"Nope, there are plenty more.  Supergirl, it looks like our Alien is headed straight to L Corp." J'onn said.

"Oh my Rao!  Lena!"  Kara blasted off straight to the opening of the DEO.

"What?" Alex said having no idea what was going on.

Kara blasted through the city down low weaving between the cars so the Alien wouldn't see her.  She finally came up from behind the Alien and hit it's head so hard the Alien face planted the ground.  It got up, looked at Kara and ran at her.  Kara quickly used her freeze breath and froze the alien.  She then took it into the DEO and set the alien in the cell.  Alex followed Kara out of the room.

"Just keeps getting easier."  Kara said as she rubbed her hands together.

"Yeah."  Alex said softly.  Kara looked up and at Alex.

"Hold on." Kara said as tried to grab Alex's arm but Alex pulled away.  Kara flinched because she thought Alex wasn't afraid of her.  There was no reason to be.

"Alex, ever since you were at my apartment you have been very distant.  What's wrong?"

"I'm fine Kara." Alex began to walk away, but Kara used her super speed to catch up to her.

"ALEX STOP!" Kara yelled at Alex.  Alex jumped because Kara rarely yelled at anyone.

"Look, I'm sorry Alex," Kara began "I know there's something wrong.  It's not fair to be fine with me one day and then suddenly be distant and act like you're afraid of me-"

"Well maybe I am!" Alex interupted and raised her voice.  Kara was beginning to have tears in her eyes.

"What? Alex..." Kara had an extremely shakey voice and let her first tear fall.

"Kara just don't, I'm not in the mood of making you cry." Alex ripped her arm away from Kara and started to walk down the hallway.

Kara just stood there waiting for Alex to close the door at the end of the hallway.  When Kara heard the door close she began sobbing.  Kara dropped to her knees and covered her face.

"Alex can't be afraid of me!  I love her!  Why is she?  Did I hurt her?"  Kara screamed these statements and questions out loud as she cried on the hard, cold, floor.

Hey guys,
I have had wattpad for awhile, but this is my very first story!  I am a serious actress, singer, and script writer and I thought I mine as well try to write a book.  So, here I am!  I know this chapter is really short and I apologize for that.  I will begin to make them longer and I continue to write.  I will write whenever I have free time.  So don't worry about waiting a month.  The longest you would ever have to wait is a week.  That isn't too bad.  Those go by pretty fast.  I hope you guys continue to read this story because it's about to get really interesting!  Thanks for reading!

 THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERGIRL Kara Gets Red Kryptonite Book #1Where stories live. Discover now