Walk into Love

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God he is such a dork,
That smile makes my knees weak,
That look in his eyes makes my heart skip a beat,
He his perfection even with his flaws,
With him I'm simply a lost girl,
Struggling to find her way home,
Yet I am also the Amazon warrior,
Fighting her way through the world,
He makes me vulnerable yet strong all at the same time,
I didn't fall in love with him,
I walked right into it with eyes and arms wide open,
I knew it would hurt,
I knew it would rip me to pieces,
Yet this feeling he gives me,
It's oh so worth it,
For the first time in my life,
I couldn't care less about the pain,
These moments,
Where I can look at him and smile,
Where I can watch his movements,
Or the way his face lights up,
These are all worth it.

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