DieciNuevee .

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excuse any mistakes or typos . . .


Kryslian's POV

"Aye, I got something to tell you, but ian wanna do it it in front of them." Dre started as I began to unpack the stuff he bought.

"What? Please don't let it be bad news." I stopped and looked at him.

"It's not bad news for you, but for me it is." He leaned against the wall, "I wanted to let you know I was for real about that apology I gave you. That last time I beat you I don't know what got into me."

"Don't bring that up. It's over and in the past." I looked him.

"Aight, you right." He took a deep breath shaking his head, "I know it's too late to start making up, but I'm really sorry. My lawyer got me a deal on this shit I got caught up in, and I'm getting locked up for about 3-5 years."

"You serious? Was it with them dudes from the past?" I looked at him with curiosity on my face.

"Yeah, I had to plead guilty." He looked down, "That's what had me turn around and look at the shit I've done, and what I've done to you."

I walked over to him, and gave him a hug. I could tell he was hesitant on hugging me back, but once he did I could also tell he didn't wanna let go.

"Look," I looked up at him, "We might just be friends now, but I appreciate everything that you've done for me and my baby. I wanna let you know that no matter who I'm with or whatever the case may be I'll be here for you once you get out alright?"

"Why you always gotta be so nice, and have a good heart." He chuckled still holding me.

"I gotta do for what you did for me, and I can't kick you outta my life when you were the father to my first child no matter what the situation is." I smiled at him, "When you gotta go?"

"I turn myself in about a month from now." He shook his head.

"You do something with me after she pops out?" I know it was a long shot, but I've been wanting to do this with him for the longest.

"What's that babygirl?" He looked down at me.

"Get a tattoo done with me for Kyan?" I slightly smiled, "I've been wanting to do it, i just didn't want to go alone."

"I got you." He hugged me tighter.

"Alright." I smiled as I finally let him go. "Anyways, like I said I'll be here for you if you ever need anything."

"So, you going cooking tonight?" He opened the door as we headed downstairs.

"It's takeout night." I laughed, "You really think my pregnant ass gonna cook?"

"Shit, I was hoping." He put his arm around my shoulder once we got downstairs, and started to whisper in my ear, "My hotel reservations ain't until tomorrow mind if I stay wit you?"

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