Veinte .

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excuse any mistakes or typos . . .

Kryslian's POV

It was dark, but I could hear voices. It was like the voices were in a hurried panic as if they were about to lose something.

"We need you in here to help." It came muffled through my ears, but it was also clear. "She's slowly losing her will to breathe on her own."

Again the voices went back to a whisper I wasn't able to make out what was being said. I kept trying to open my eyes, but every time I tried it felt like my breath was being taken away.

"Do you think you could help us?" The voice came back clear again.

"Yeah, I'll try my best." A voice that sounded familiar spoke.

"We need more than your best." The other voice came again.

What the hell is going on? Why can't I see anything?

I heard the more familiar voice come through clear, "Krys, if you can hear me please don't leave. Not yet please, I need you in my life. You're parents are here they need you to fight for them just like your mom fought against that stroke. I love you Kryslian, since I met you I found the girl I wanna grow old wit, have kids wit, and all that mushy stuff." They took a deep breathe. "Baby, I'm sorry for everything that I done to you. If you.... No when you wake up I'm gon' make it all up to you."

Who's voice is that? I kept asking myself.

"Mommy, you gotta wake up." Another voice came close to my ear. "You can't leave right now, sissy is gonna need you very soon"

Kyan? No way.

"Just wake up for them mommy." I heard Kyan say again, "Listen to him. I'll be here when you're actually ready to go, love you."

"Krys, I know you got some fight left in you. Please wake up. You know you wanna smack my ass for gettin' mushy cause you don' like it either. Baby, just make it through one more fight, and you ain't ever gotta worry about my ass not bein' truthful anymore. You gon' be Mrs. Marshall one day when you...." The voice trailed off, and I took a breath. "Fight for your fam Krys. I love you babygirl." They squeezed my hand, and kissed it.

Next thing I knew my eyes fluttered open, and I gasped for air. I looked around at my surroundings, and saw Quavo holding my hand with doctors and nurses running around. I looked at him, and squeezed his hand out of fright.

What the hell was I doing in the hospital?

"Sir, we're gonna have to ask you to leave. We'll let you know when you can come back in." The nurse told Quavo.

"Aight," He got up kissing my forehead, "I'll be back to see you babygirl."

I shook my head slightly. Did everything I felt I lived through happen in a coma? I'm so scared because I do not know what happened.

"Ma'am, do you remember anything that happened?" A doctor came questioning me as they took my vitals.

"No sir," I spoke softly.

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