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* Crow Club Groupchat *

Waffle_Queen: Attention all! I have a huge surprise

Wraith06: What is it?

Zem_Bachelor: is Matthias finally going to admit he wonders how it feels to smile?

Matthias_H: What?! No!

FaceBrekker: I thought I told you skivs this group is not for socialising

Zem_Bachelor: wait, its not?

* 2CleverFox has been added to Crow ClubGroupchat *

Waffle_Queen: TADA!?!!!!!;?;!!

Runaway_Wy: Who on earth is that?

Zem_Bachelor: Ah Wy, always late to the party

2CleverFox: Not much of a party from the looks of it

Zem_Bachelor: And just who might you be?

2CleverFox: You may know me as Sturmhond. Although most know me as Nikolai Lantsov, Major of the Twenty Second Regiment, famed soldier of the First Army, second son to King Alexander the Third, Grand Duke of Udova and ruler of the double eagle throne or to put it simply: the new King of Ravka

Zem_Bachelor: so... no one in particular, then?

Wraith06: It seems you've met your match, Jesper.

Waffle_Queen: I never thought I'd see the day Jes was confronted with someone as equally charismatic as him. My money's on Korol Rezni of course.

FaceBrekker: Sturmhond.

2CleverFox: That'd be right. It's been a while, Mr Brekker.

Matthias_H: Wait, the King of Ravka knows you, demjin?

Zem_Bachelor: Not to sound like complimentary or anything but who doesn't know Kaz?

Runaway_Wy: True.

Matthias_H: What I mean is how?

2CleverFox: Funny story actually.

FaceBrekker: Not really.

Wraith06: Pray do tell, your Highness.

2CleverFox: Twas a dark and stormy night, I had journeyed across the True Sea in search of the one they call: Dirtyhands-

Waffle_Queen: Quick question, moi Tsar, are you typing this or did you convince Zoya to do it for you?

2CleverFox: Darling, when have you ever known Zoya Nazyalensky to ever do anything for anyone as a favour? Tolya's doing it, of course and with quite the scowl I might add -he says his fingers hurt because the buttons are too small.

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