Scheming Face ♠

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Newfoort Island, was notorious for one thing: not one soul could attest to what was on it except that whatever it was, it was under high security lockdown.

The place was practically a fortress and although the Kerch claimed it was simply a facility for the beginnings of what would be its new naval projects for the betterment of international trade, locals suspected it housed far more sinister and secretive affairs. If one thing was clear it was that the exact purpose of the island's activities was classified and trespassing was forbidden and punishable by death. The locals began to call it Area 51.

Kaz suspected not even the Stadwatch that guarded the facility knew for sure what lay beyond the stonewalls they patrolled... but he did and that's why he was going to steal it.

From 3rd harbor he could just make out the silhouette of the building where it sat on its rocky perch a few minutes off the shores of Ketterdam.

It would be 5 bells soon and Rotty had still not shown with the Stadwatch uniforms needed to board the last rowboat that would leave for the island to relieve the guards from the last 12 hour shift.

The guards were swoped out in pairs to avoid an overflow of people on the facility grounds at any given moment in case of a spontaneous ambush or a influx of mob mentality brought on by paid curiosity.

The last two substitue guards now stood on the docks, waiting patiently for the last boat to arrive with the two tired men they would be replacing for the next 12 hours. If Rotty didn't get here fast, Kaz and Kuwei would miss their only chance to get onto the island.

"Where is he?" Kuwei whispered desperately, fidgeting beside Kaz where they crouched together waist-deep in the water that swayed below the boards of the dock. The boots of the guards hovered just above their heads.

Kaz slapped a gloved hand over the boy's mouth and shot him a glare that hissed, "Shut your trap or I'll drown you right here."

Only when Kuwei nodded obediently did Kaz pull his hand from his face. Just then Kaz's phone buzzed in his pocket, he'd forgotten it was still inside his coak and was surprised it still worked what with all the water that must be sloshing around in it. He quickly dug it out of his pocket and found several texts from Inej lit up on the screen.

*FaceBrekker & Wraith06 Chat*

Wraith06: Kaz where are you!?

Wraith06: I know you think you can handle whatever this is alone but you're better off with us at your side.

Wraith06: Wylan and Matthias are willing to help. We'll come to you if you just tell us where!

Wraith06: Kaz Brekker if you are boarding a boat right now I will never forgive you.

Wraith06: Stay at the harbor, okay!? Don't move!

Wraith06: Kaz we're here! I can't see you anywhere on the docks. I swear to the Saints you are cruel for leaving like this!

FaceBrekker: I'm not going anywhere, Inej.

Wraith06: Kaz!

FaceBrekker: You're a fool for following me.

Wraith06: You're the real fool, you insufferable git! You could get killed going out on your own!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2019 ⏰

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