Meeting ♠

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Nikolai crossed his legs, sighing deeply as he took in each of the six thieves sat on the various couches of his suite's reception area. He knew two of them already: the master-thief and Barrel legend, Kaz Brekker and the Grisha soldier, Nina Zenik.

As for the remaining four, he knew no more than a name and a rumour. Now, studying each of them, he found they were not the thugs he had imagined.

The slight Suli girl with her rubber slippers and knives strapped to her thighs was so small it awed him to think she was the renowned Wraith –Brekker's personally appointed spy and right hand woman on all missions. The silent but deadly Inej Ghafa.

The tall dark man with silver eyes and a smile that screamed trouble, was quite the sight in his garish lime garb. Nikolai found he was eager to speak to a man of such confidence. It was of course, the ever accurate sharpshooter, Jesper Fahey.

Then there was the slim, frail looking ginger with his pale freckled skin and ruddy mess of curls. The pair of thick goggles that sat just above his brow easily identified him as the richboy runaway and demolitions expert, Wylan Van Eck.

That only left the boulder of a man whose buzzcut was just starting to gain some length. His icy eyes were piercing but held a semblance of warmth that surprised Nikolai. The Fjerdan's bolt-right posture spoke volumes about his military experience and so there was no doubt in his Majesty's mind that this was the ex-Druskelle and convict Matthias Helvar. 

"So what are we looking at here?" Nina asked.

"A daily grounds patrol of 10 guards which doubles in number after sundown," Nikolai said, "There is a student-body of approximately 180, of which 16 are under high security protection in top-floor dorms in a circular inward facing layout with a guard per door and a handmaid that takes watch from within. The school's daily routine is clocked to the second with a hourly head-count taken at the beginning of each period. A final formal registration takes place at the end of the day in which teachers perform facial identification tests."

The King stood then, folding his hands behind his back, "Now that you know what you're up against, let me tell you what I require of you," he paused then, allowing himself to take in their eager expressions, save for Kaz who only continued to scowl at him, "Three very young Grisha have been forced into attendance at this institution as high-security cases. The charges against them are false as the Council wishes to conduct secretive experiments on them in the hopes of recreating a more controllable version of jurda parem. They have made frightening progress." 

"You must retrieve these three students without causing alarm and destroy the research the Council has gathered from them," Nikolai continued, "You will each receive 1 million kruge in the wake of your success and my loyalty in future endeavors."

With that Nikolai returned to his chair and awaited their response.

"With some careful planning, this doesn't sound impossible," Inej conceded, "What's the catch?" 

Nikolai smirked, leaning forward in his armchair to rest his elbows on his knees, lacing his fingers. "The architect who designed the security and defense systems is Fjerdan and had a hand in the Ice Court designs. The Merchant Council brought him in to put the lace trimmings on their cake."

"What's the big deal," Jesper snorted, kicking his feet up onto the coffee table, "We broke into and out of the ice court, remember? Without even a scratch either." 

"Barely," Wylan grumbled. 

"The point is we kinda already know what to expect going into this," Jesper said. 

"If we decided to get into this," Kaz snapped. 

Matthias chuckled, folding his arms as he glanced sidelong at Kaz who seemed to stand seething where he leaned against the back of Inej's chair. "Never known you to turn down a challenge, demjin. One heist enough for you?" 

"It's not about the challenge," Kaz nearly spat, "It's only ever been about the hawl, always has been."

"Well, there's a freshly baked lie," Nina said, "Don't pretend you don't like a good puzzle, Kaz. Part of the fun is besting the best. You get a kick out of outsmarting folks and we all know it. So what's changed?"

"There is no legitimate reason to do this job," Kaz said, "We're set already."

"You mean to tell me you couldn't do with a little more scrub?" Jesper asked, disbelief clear on his face.

"Do what you want," Kaz said, addressing them all, "But know now that I won't be joining you."

"Might as well not bother then," Wylan mumbled to himself.

"Fine, suit yourself," said Jesper, standing up, "I say we do this." 

Inej nodded, standing up after him, "Agreed." 

Nina paused but eventually sighed and said, "I'm in but only because moi Tsar has requested so and besides, you'd all perish without me." 

Matthias groaned at Nina who gave him a peck on the cheek before nudging him. Her prodding eyes pleaded with him and he inevitably gave a noncommittal grunt that seemed to serve as an unspoken: "Me too." That only left Wylan, whom the entire room turned to look at now. 

The merchling frowned, his eyes briefly darting to Kaz but Dirtyhands kept his eyes fixed on Nikolai as though he could strangle the King with his stare. The ginger then turned his gaze to the rest of his friends and Jesper, who was now holding out his hand to him. Wylan huffed, taking the taller boy's hand and stood, "You know this is a prime example of peer pressure." 

"Brilliant!" Nikolai said, "I'm delighted to have you all on board. We start planning tomorrow." 


The walk home was merry, buzzing with anticipation as they chatted among themselves about the King and the prospect of another adventure. Kaz lagged behind the group as both his crooked gait and need for isolation kept him back. Without hearing her approach him, he immediately felt it when Inej slowed to walk beside in the moonlight cobblestone streets. The chatter of the rest of group ahead of them was but a murmur on the wind that blew in from the docks somewhere to the east. 

"Why didn't you take the job? The money is good. Is it because of Sturmhond?" she asked him now.

The raven haired boy seemed for a moment as though he would not answer but then that low rasp of a voice came, "Why so curious, Wraith? I thought you would be pleased to not have to suffer through another several hours of my charm." 

Inej bristled, obviously taken aback by hearing her insult to him thrown back at her. "Answer my question," she insisted.

Kaz's lips came dangerously close to a smirk, "Which one? I wont answer both." 

She gritted her teeth. He could be so difficult at the best of times. "Why didn't you take the job," she simply repeated.

"Would you like to know why I refused now or why I did then?" 

Her wise dark eyes narrowed, thinking. "Tell me why now." 

Kaz stopped mid-stride, causing her to halt beside him as he turned to look her dead in the eye. "Because as of yesterday," he said slowly, taking her braid in his gloved hand, careful not to touch her as he brushed it over her shoulder, "I'm already on a heist."  

* * * *

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