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Thanks you to those who are reading my book! I love you xxx


Umm... you're ok?" I laughed almost questioning what I just said. it's kind of awkward telling your best friend he's amazing at kissing.

I was blushing madly I could just tell.

I looked up at Brad and noticed him smiling happily. This was such a big deal to him!

"So costa?" I muttered grabbing my bag and phone from the counter and heading towards the door.

He followed me and unlocked the door, opening it for me to exit first.

"Why thank you, fine gentleman!" I curtsied giggling but Brad just shrugged and muttered something under his breath.

"What?" I asked as we strolled towards the bus stop, I noticed a mass of people were already waiting there.

"Nothing!" Brad huffed. "We aren't going to get seats on the bus now."

"Doesn't matter does it?" I squeaked, Brad was being snappy and I didn't know why.

The bus arrived as soon as we reached the stop and we hopped on, flashing our passes.

I jumped up the stairs on the double decker.

The top of the bus is open top, no roof, which I love! I love the wind in my hair and I feel like a tourist.

"Why are we at the top?" Brad smiled slightly.

"I like it up here!"

"Ok." Brad whispered, sitting down at the front and getting out his phone.

The journey flew by really quickly. I mostly spent the time standing up and sticking my arms out, mimicking titanic, or waving at shoppers below.

Brad sat down the whole ride, texting god knows who.

The bus stopped outside Costa and we walked towards the entrance. I noticed Brad didn't open the door for me this time.

I went up to the counter to order, with Brad right behind me.

A cute boy was serving and he winked at me so obviously I blushed like a beetroot.

"Hi what can I get you?" he said and I could feel my heart beat faster at the sound of his voice.

What is wrong with me!

"Can... can I have 2 iced strawberry mochas please." I stumbled over my words.

"Coming right up." the boy spun round and started to prepare the drinks.

He was tall but not too tall, 6'ft ish, definitely taller than Brad. He had a tanned completion and a toned body- from what I could tell by his visible arms. He had the biggest brown eyes, it's my favourite eye colour in guys.

"Here you go." a cheery voice snapped me out of my daze and I realised I'd been staring at the boy.

He handed me the drinks.

We went to sit down at a window seat and Brad snatched his drink and slurped it loudly.

"Oi no need to be aggressive!" I laughed and picked up my own drink.

"Ughh." Brad muttered, he was looking behind me so I turned around.

'Drinks boy' was jogging over to our table. He came over and smiled,

"Hey I never did get your name..." he grinned.

"Lily.. Lily May but everyone calls me Lils." I said slowly raising a hand to my burning cheek.

"Actually only I call you that." Brad huffed but I ignored it.

"Well.. Lils, I wanted to know if you'd like to grab a drink with me sometime?"

I mentally happy danced.

"I would lo..." I was cut off by Brad once again.

"You may not of noticed but she's already having a drink.... With me." he said narrowing his eyes at him.

"Obviously I meant once I'm on my break." he chuckled lightheartedly. "I'm Jack by the way."

"Well it's nice to meet you Jack, and yes I'd love to have a drink with you sometime."

"Let me just give you my number.." He fumbled around for a pen and then realised he had nothing to write on.

"Write it on my hand." I offered and gave him my hand, which he gladly took.

He scribbled his number on my hand lingering, still holding on to it.

It made me feel fuzzy inside as he did so.

He said his goodbyes before returning to work but he occasionally caught my eye and I blushed like a child.

"Lils? Lils?" Brad waved a hand over my face. "hello are you even listening to me?"

"Sorry what?"

Brad pushed his chair back, getting up. he grabbed his jacket and slung it over his shoulders hastily.

"What..what are you doing?" I whispered as he glared into the distance, his jaw clenched.

"You know what Lily, I'm sick of you."

"Excuse me?" I managed to squeak out.

"You've been practically ignoring me this past hour and it's like I don't exist. I mean nothing to you now."

"Sorry for just sitting here." I huffed and he just shook his head moving further away from the table.

I knew we were causing a scene but he didn't seem to care.

"All I ever wanted to be, you know, was your best friend but you make even that hard." he shouted at me as he walked towards the door.

"What do you want me to do? What do you want from me?" I stood up.

"I don't want to be just another 'guy'. I don't want to be just another friend. I want to mean something. I want you to miss me when I'm gone, and sense when I'm sad and just know what to do to make me feel ok again."

I stood silent still not understanding him.

"It's all I want to be, all I've ever wanted to be Lily!" he pushed the door open but wavered.

"What?" I whispered.

He muttered one thing before leaving.

"I wanted to be... somebody to you."



Sorry for the crazy long wait you guys xxx I ran out of ideas

So Brad kind of confesses his feeling although it took him long enough! like 15 years! xx

It's only when he saw her flirting did it get to him Aww xxx

So as usual i just love you reader and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 😀

Byeeee (til next time)

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