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"Lils?" I whispered shakily.

I don't really know why I spoke, I should've run or hidden.

Everybody hates me at the moment and I don't think Lily's the best person to bump into.

She spun round quickly, wide eyed, and did what I least expected.... hugged me.

"I've missed you so much Brad. I've been worried sick. Why did you leave? Where did you go? what's up with you?" she questioned, still not letting me go.

I didn't respond and tried to pull away from her grip.

We were in silence for a while.

"Why are you here?" she mumbled, stepping away from me.

"I...I don't...I don't know." I dragged my hands through my hair repeatedly.

"Did you." Her eyes widened as if she just released something.

"Did you.. leave the flowers?"

"I did." I turned around and started to walk away, I didn't want her to see me upset.

"Wait!" she grabbed my arm. "You still remember?..."

"Of course I do." I whispered turning around and looking at her glazed eyes.

How could I forget? Katie meant as much to me as Lily did, if not more.

"It's been 3 years Brad." Lils smiled softly but her eyes told me she was far from happy.

"I know and I don't understand how you can be over it!" I shouted before bursting into tears, wiping them away furiously.

"IM NOT!" she screamed back.

"When Katie decided to end her life I was the one comforting you Brad, when you should of been comforting me! she was MY sister!"

She fell to the ground by the grave sobbing and I knelt down and gave her a side-hug.

"I'm so sorry." I muttered before getting up.

I couldn't stay there any longer.

It was too painful.

I walked back onto the main road and then started to run, looking back only to see Lils still sat by her sister.

I ran back home, to my apartment across from Lils, I couldn't hide anymore, there was no point.

I just wish I could've prevented this.



My sister Katie was my best friend.

She was only a year and a half younger and, to me, she was the most important person in my world.

She still is.

She killed herself because she suffered depression, it was nobody's fault yet Brad still felt responsible.

He liked Katie, he really liked her.

Whenever she had a new boyfriend he would always complain and make comments, he felt like he needed to protect her.

He never told her how he felt.

When we were 12 and made our pact, I couldn't help but feel Brad promised it because he wanted to be with Katie.

At the sleepover I thought about him kissing me and I knew the reason...

He thought I was her.

I look like my sister and I have a feeling Brad likes me and hangs with me because I remind him of Katie.

I miss her too but Brad, he just can't let her go.


It was really dark and being alone in the graveyard was giving me chills.

I got up and started to walk home, I got back in 10 minutes- I walk fast.

I unlocked my door and opened it quickly chucking my shoes off and locking the door behind me.

I lent against the radiator and breathed out slowly, just thinking about how screwed up Brad and I both were.

That's why we click I guess.

"Honey?" My mum shouted and I felt like screaming, she's still here?!

"What!" I screamed back storming into the kitchen area.

"I waited up for you."

"What, do you want a medal?" I spat sarcastically.

My mum got up, she didn't look angry just sad.

"Your friend rang. Said he was worried about you, that you didn't return to his at 7 like planned." she said quietly.

Shit. Tristan. I totally forgot.

"He said that if I found you to ring him straight away but I think you owe him the decency to call back now, don't you?" She said in a tone I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"I will I will right now." I started running up the stairs and immediately dialled his number.

"Lily? Oh my.. are you ok, are you hurt? What happened?" Tristan panted down the phone and I felt horrible.

"I found Brad." I tried to change the subject.

"Oh. Where was he? Is he with you now?" Tristan said slowly.

I couldn't tell him where he was.

"I just bumped into him on the main road, he said he'd just been at his mums to cool off."

I don't know if this is entirely true but it was the best I got.

"We went on without him you know...On TV. Explained he had a ghastly stomach flu and couldn't get up. We said how much he hated missing the fans and that he feels so bad. Ha." He scoffed knowingly.


"I'm sorry I got you worried Tris." I sighed.

"It's not me you should apologise to, James is a wreck." he huffed as someone spoke on his end. "one second."

"Lily?" James voice rung in my ears and I smiled to myself.

"James! Oh my god, it's so good to hear your voice! I've been such a...."

"Shut the fuck up."

"What?" I managed to choke out. Did James just tell me to..

"I wish Brad had never introduced you to us, you've caused nothing but trouble. You may of broken up the band! Ruined our friendship with him and now you're screwing with our minds. Making us actually give a fuck about you when you obviously don't give one about us."

"I'm sorry I don't.." I started but he cut me off again.

"It's 10 at night! You said 7, you promised. You twisted me to think I liked you and it drove me to drink. and we all feel this way, it's not just me. Carly.. now Carly is nice, her and Connor are great for each other but you. You don't belong because you push people away and you don't care."

He paused his rant and sighed.

"I'm sorry Lily I really am. I wanted to be mates, maybe even more, but what you have with Brad is affecting the band and you drove a wedge between us and him. We think it's best if you lay low for a while until we get our career back on track. sorry."

He hung up and I fell back onto my bed tears running down my face.

How could he say I broke up the band?

I would never.


Ok this is really depressing and I am soooo sorry xx :/

I know I might get some hate and tbh i don't mind criticism because I just want to know what you guys like reading xx

Thanks for the support

Eliza xx :)

P.s I know James isn't that mean in real life!

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