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"Excuse me?" she squeaked out.

"No. I'm not wasting my time looking for that arsehole." I laughed spitefully then regretted it, I sounded horrid.

"Well... well what about you Tristan? Are you up for helping me?" she stuttered uneasy.

"I'm sorry Lily I really am, but I can't. James is pissed out of his head and I promised Joe I'd sober him up for our tv interview tonight. Joe has assured us Brad will come to the show, he hates disappointing fans."

Tristan hugged Lily apologetically and I got up ready to embrace her aswell.

She shrugged my arms off.

"I can't believe you James." she sighed, turning her body away from me. "you got drunk whilst Brad is out there, maybe lost. And now you won't even help me find him."

Her voice quivered and it sounded as if she could burst into tears at any second.

"Brad is my best friend. He's YOUR bandmate. I thought that if we put our heads together, we could figure out where he is. Together we know more about Brad than his parents probably do."

"I know his shoe size!" Tristan called out, quite proudly.

I just looked down, Lily did make me feel bad but no way was I looking around for Brad knowing all along he's just being a stroppy baby.

"I better go." she started heading towards the door.

"Don't stay out long, it gets dark soon." Tristan said concerned. "come back here by 7 please? Then you can come watch our interview. I don't want you staying out in the cold all night."

He sounded like a dad.

She did need a fatherly figure, haven't never met her own.

Except... Tris is only a year older.

"I'll be fine." she laughed, but she still looked upset.

"Please." Tris looked at her worriedly. "promise me you will be back, here, by 7."

"I promise Tris." she hugged him before leaving.

They were like brother and sister, so caring for one another.



I didn't know where to start.

Where do I look?

Who do I ask?

I decided to head towards the cafe Brad goes to every Saturday morning.

I opened the door and heard the familiar chime that always rings when it is pushed.

"Lily! Where's Curly?" Pam grinned cheerily.

She has called Brad curly ever since he first came in with his luscious mop and ordered his favourite: full english.

Pam's really nice and she's like a second mother to Brad and I know he thinks of the cafe as his home.

"Actually I haven't seen him in a week. I was hoping he would be here." I said disappointedly.

"Oh hunny what happened?" she came over to me and gave me a hug as I felt myself starting to cry.

"He just... left last week and we haven't seen him since."

"Wait you mean you haven't spoken to him all this week? Coz he came in here on the Saturday."

Saturday was the day he left me in costa.

"Really?! Did he say anything, did he seem angry, upset?" I shouted excitedly, Pam may have the missing piece to this puzzle.

"Calm down love, you'll get hiccups." she whispered, looking around and mouthing 'sorry' to onlooking customers.

"He didn't really say much. He ordered his usual, wolfed it down and left hun. I'm sorry that's all I have, I really want to help."

"You have Pam! Can you remember what time he came in?" I pleaded, hoping she'd know.

"About 3." she nodded.

I said my goodbyes and set off, I was disappointed he wasn't there but I knew he would never be at the first place I looked. That's just how it works.

I knew Pam would ring me if Brad showed up there or she gained any more information so I wasn't worried about missing him.

I started walking in a vague direction but I wasn't sure WHERE I was going.

I passed the old lane me and Brad used to live on and thought I'd pop up to see mum and dad and Katie.

Then I remembered.

I didn't bother as I knew it was no use.

Mums at my house.

I didn't even know my dad.

I carried on til I reached Brads old family home.

He may be with his parents, it's my best lead.

I knocked for about 10 minutes none stop but nobody answered.

I decided to leave for now and return later, in the hope they had just popped out.

I had to waste some time before returning. I went to visit Katie.

I walked and walked until I reached where she was. I pushed the big gates open and looked around.

Which one. Which one is it?

I found the right one eventually, you see I hadn't been to see her in ages due to my busy life.

I felt really bad and knew I had to stay for longer now, just to prove I still loved her.

"Katie?" I knelt down where she slept.

"It's your big sister Lily May here." I smiled softly. "Now I don't want to bore you with what's happened this past month but well... Brads missing and I just can't find him..." I felt a tear drip off of my face and onto the flowers in front of me.

Flowers? Who brought her flowers.

I haven't been to see her in a month, and I know mum never visits anymore.


You don't think...

"Lils?" A shaky voice called.


So what do you thinks happening here?

Tbh I don't know myself! hahaha sorry I do I think xxxx

Love you (that's why I updated two days in a row.... just for you!) xxx

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