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"Brad you big baby." I whispered wiping the few tears escaping my eyes with my finger, trying not to smudge mascara everywhere.

"I mean it Lily May."

"I know."

He spun me around and lifted my hair up.

I felt the cold chain go round my neck and be fastened at the back.

I looked down to see the half-heart on my chest.

"Brad..." I said slowly.


"What now?"

"Aren't you going to let me in? It's getting a bit chilly out." Brad laughed quietly and I moved out of the way to let him inside.

I shut the door and lent against it, watching him walk into the kitchen diner.

I didn't really know what to do now. Should we go back to being matey and having a laugh? Or do we act like a couple?

Are we a couple?

How is he so cool about everything, walking around my house like... well like he usually does but..

I was snapped out of deep thought by Brad shouting for me.

I looked down at my hands, noticing they had been twisting the necklace round my neck.

"Coming!" I mumbled back, knowing he probably couldn't hear me.

I straightened myself out, pushing my hair out of my eyes and re-sorting the bracelets decorating my arm.

I sighed before confidently striding into the open plan room.

I had to, at least, give Brad the impression that I was as ok with this whole thing, as he was.

"Lils what are you doing? You look like a penguin!"

He started waddling about, his feet turned out, mimicking me.

I sat down on the little sofa sighing in frustration.

He looked up from his silly dance and came and sat next to me.

"What's wrong?" he put his arm round the back on the sofa, gladly not touching me. "Are you on... you know... that 'time of the mont..."

"Brad!" I shot round to glare at him.

"Sorry!" he held his arm up apologetically.

I grabbed a pillow and bashed him over the head.

"Oi!" he shouted, his mouth a permanent 0 shape.

I giggled before squirming out of his grip and legging it upstairs.

I got to my room and locked the door, jumping onto my bed and hiding under the covers.

Yes, it may be childish, but it's what got me through awkward times.

"Lily May Ferne! You open this door right now or I'll.... I'll..." Brad banged loudly on the door.

"Whatcha gonna do?" I laughed.

"I shall sing until you get so annoyed you open the door to try and kill me!" he shouted back.

I couldn't see how Brad singing could torture me, he has a great voice.

"SHE HAS LEGS LIKE BEYONCÉ!" He screamed, like a cat being strangled.

"GIVE ME THE EYES LIKE RIHANNA!" he was so pitchy and out of tune I couldn't take it.

I stuffed my head under all the pillows and pushed my ears in.

I couldn't reduce the noise, it was like he had a microphone, the sound was vibrating through the floorboards.

I couldn't let him win though.

"I WANNA PUT HER ON CAMERA! 'CAUSE SHE DRIVES ME CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY!" He started thumping on the door and I felt like exploding.

I grabbed the keys off of my bedside table and unlocked the large bay window.

I crawled out and onto the mini- halfway roof, up there I could see Brads house across the road and the corner shop where we used to work together.

The sound of Brads awful singing was must fainter and once I'd closed the window behind me I could no longer hear him.

I sat staring at the cars driving past for some time, it was quite relaxing watching the world go by.

I had completely forgotten about Brad.

Suddenly I heard the bell at the front door chime and I looked down to see Brad emerging from the house.

I decided to stay quiet.

He was on his phone, seemingly in the middle of an argument.

He looked up and smiled cheekily when he saw me, hanging up on whoever was at the other end of the call.

"Hey Juliet! get down from there you're gonna hurt yourself!" Brad laughed but there was a seriousness in his tone.

"Why sorry dear Romeo, I may not, for you shall only kill me when I reacheth the ground." I stood up, gesturing dramatically and tapping the roof tiles.

"Well if you won't come down then I must come up." he rolled up his sleeves before climbing onto the wall.

From the wall he grabbed onto the oak tree and started to make his way to me.

He clung onto the roof tiles and swung his legs up.

I stepped back, speechless, as he got up and brushed himself down.

"Impressed?" he smirked.

"Err... nope." I shook my head, biting my lip.

He stepped closer and brushed a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I know a guy who has a problem. He wasn't exactly sure when it happened, or even when it started. All he knew for sure was right here and now... He was falling hard and he could only pray that she was feeling the same way." Brad whispered and my heart lurched.

"I know a girl who also has a problem. She's scared to go in too deep and to fall hard. The reason she's so afraid to get close to him is because she knows you'll... I mean, he'll leave her like everyone else she's ever opened up to. She wants to be with him and I think is willing to chance it with her heart."

He leaned in closer and I held my breath.

"And I'm worried Lils... that one day you'll realise you can do so much better."



Ok so this was very soppy and stuff so sorry if you prefer funny/action xx :(

Went a bit Shakespearean here, studying it again at school so ya know...!

Hope you enjoyed! Xxx

Love yous

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