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So me and Brad are finally an official couple, and I couldn't be happier.

All of our friends are really supportive, even James, though it took them a while to accept me again.

We are in the spontaneous, roller coaster part of our relationship and are currently inseparable.


"Excuse me, I believe that belongs to me." the man scowled at me and Brad as we handed him back his toupee laughing.

"We should run." Brad managed to squeeze out in between fits of laugher.

He grabbed my hand and we ran out of the shop, stopping by a bench to catch our breath.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you just took his wig like that! you were all can I help you... Whoops! his hair in your hands!" I gasped, unable to contain myself.

"The look he gave me though!"

We both sat down and were silent for a few moments, reflecting what had happened... not just then with the angry bald man, but with our whole relationship.

At least that was what I was thinking about.


"Yessss?" he whispered, grabbing my hand gently.

"Do you think my sister would of approved."

"Oh Lily... don't say stuff like that. Your sister would be happy for you no matter what, now you're just gonna make yourself upset." Brad sighed. "come here."

He wiped my coming tears with his thumbs and held my face close.

"Don't think she isn't still watching down with a smile on her face, proud of how beautiful, smart and mature you are."

"But I never even got to say goodbye." I mumbled, my voice breaking.

"Goodbyes do not give you peace Lils, because goodbyes are not forever nor are they the end. They simply mean 'I'll miss you... until we meet again'."

Brad pulled away and straightened himself out as though he had gone to another world for a minute. He smiled at me before getting up.

"Come on." He held out his hand and helped me up.

"Where are we going."

"We are going... somewhere." he started to veer right and I just followed, painfully unaware of where we were going.


"Stop asking questions nosy parker!"

We walked past a river and through some woods, all the time Brads hand entwined with mine.

We pointed out interesting animals and funny people and just generally never stopped talking, id almost forgotten he was leading somewhere.

"Here we are!" Brad beamed, gesturing at the sigh above me.

"Uncle Bobs county pub?" I read confused.

"Yep.... but "

"What sort of date is this Brad?" I laughed.

"A special harmonising one."

"Karaoke? Are you joking, you know I don't sing."

No, I'm performing here, this was the pub I used to play in before I got my big break with the vamps. I thought if give it one last shot.... for old times sake." Brad smiled and I dragged him inside proudly.

"You're actually doing this! Brad you are so sweet and humble!" I giggled, as he set up his microphone.

"Yes well, one does his best to stay polite to his loyal subjects." he put on a posh accent and stuck his head up snootily, he constantly made me laugh.


The show was in full swing.

Brad had played two songs and the audience already loved him, a sea of screaming teenagers now made up the front row but I didn't mind.

I was sat at the bar, I could hear and see Brad but I wasn't being crushed by crazed fans.

"Another WKD mam?" the bartender asked knowingly as I stared at my boyfriend on stage in a dingy cramped pub.... I couldn't be more proud.

"Obviously! you so get me." I laughed as he handed me another of the blue liquid.

I'd had about 4 and was feeling a little weird, I am a lightweight.

"What makes it blue? I mean blue isn't a natural colour, it just doesn't happen in..in nature!" I giggled as the room began to spin. "SLOTHS! now they don't belong on earth, they should be aliens, freaky!"

The bartender just laughed at me as he cleaned the glasses, letting me continue.

"Look at him, soaking up attention! I could do that, sing and play a violiny-holed thingy!" I shouted angrily standing up and immediately regretting it. "Give me a beat DJ fruity!" I ordered the man.

"You've had a little too much." A man sat beside me said concerned.

He helped me back into my seat and ordered a water.

I drank it quickly but could still feel a headache coming on.

"You ok?" he asked patting my back.

"No..... I think I might just go lie..."



I'm in the middle of Another world when some shouting from the bar grabs my attention.

It's Lily, having a chat with the bartender and some other man.

She stands up for a second before the guy sits her back down.

She's obviously pissed out of her head.

I try to carry on with the song but I can't concentrate.


The sound of Lily's head smashing against the bar made me jump and race over.

The whole pub was looking by now but I didn't care.

I dropped down beside her along with another man, the one who had been chatting at the bar with her.

"Lily Lily wake up babe, Brads here." I shouted panicking and shaking her shoulders.

That's when I notice the blood trickling down her neck..



OK so this is my update xx hope u enjoy even if it's a lil morbid xx

Thank you btw and soz for late update!

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Love ya ciao 😚

(Watch out for new emojis, I hear they're coming)

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