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Another day, the same boring routine:

Follow Connor around.

Meet his stupid mates.

Bass practice.

Get some chips from the chippy.

Him drop me home.

I was currently on step 2.

I love being his 'girlfriend' but I'm fed up of being treated as one of the guys.

I never get fairy tale romances, never.

"Babe why so sad?" Connor whispered, receiving a shush from his friends.

I didn't respond.

I sat staring at the stupid screen for another 10 minutes before I realised I'd had enough.

Sitting with Connor and his unknown mates watching some sort of wizardy film is not my idea of fun.

I stood up and grabbed my bag.

"Car where you going?" Connor asked, only giving me half of his attention.

"Leaving." I muttered, brushing past him into the hallway.

"Why?" he whined following me, still looking back at the movie, I know he'd seen hundreds of times.

"I am sick and tired of being a fucking 'third wheel' in whatever the hell this is?" I gestured to the weirdos house we were currently in.

"Is this because of Alice?" he puzzled.

"Who the hell is Alice?"

"Ohh...." he whispered, having realised that wasn't what I was on about.

"I'll get the bus home."

"Don't you want a lift?" Connor muttered glancing at the tv once again.

"Nope." I shouted as I slammed the door.

I did feel bad but I was tired and annoyed.

Everyone thought we were the cute couple, the 'no strings attached' guys, the ones that would last in the long run.

How wrong.

It started fun but a relationship is not what Connor wants right now.

I hopped onto the bus, flashing my pass, and sat at the back.

I took out my headphones and, after untangling them- so annoying- I drowned myself in 5sos.

I couldn't listen to a Vamps song.

I closed my eyes and hummed to myself, getting lost in the music.

After a while, somebody started tapping on my shoulder annoyingly.

"Excuse me." I heard the words faintly.

I opened my eyes and turned down the volume.

I looked left to see a really good looking boy smiling back at me.

"Don't mind me saying... you have a lovely voice."

"Oh.. my, was I singing? I'm so sorry, I didn't realise." I blushed, covering my face in embarrassment.

"It was good." he smiled genuinely.

"How long have you been sat there."

"Few minutes." he laughed.

I looked around.

"Oh shit!" I stood up quickly. "I missed my stop!"

"Oh.. well I'm getting off at the next one, I'll walk you back if you'd like?" he offered shrugging.

"Are you sure that's not too much hassle..i mean.." I fumbled around grabbing all my stuff.

"It's fine honestly." he said chuckling slightly. "I love making new friends."

"Ok, thanks!"

We got off of the bus and he said he'd walk down to the previous bus stop, the one I'd missed.

"You won't want me walking you home, that would be a bit stalkery." he mumbled, fiddling with his fingers.

"Yeah ok....so what do you like?" I laughed.

"Would it be weird if I said, your eyes?"



"Where did you get this?" I grinned picking the chain up from its box and admiring it.

"All you need to know is.. I got one too." he held up his own necklace.

"Let me see that." I grabbed his out of his hands and compared it to mine.

Mine was one half of a heart.

He had the other part.

I slotted our chains together and felt myself about to cry.

They fit, making a full love heart.

"Look." Brad turned over the, now together, necklaces.

"Your half says Lily and mine says Brad?" I said confused, why have each other's names.

"Yeah..." he looked down shuffling his feet.

"It's so, you know... you will always be close to my heart.... quite literally."

"And I have 'Brad' engraved on mine so I promise I will never let it go." I squeezed the necklace tightly in my hand. "Like I'll never let you go."

I laughed slightly at how cheesy and babyish we were being.

"Promise we will never fight again?" Brad held out his pinky for me to take.

"I can't Brad." I dragged a hand through my hair sighing.

He stepped closer and tilted his hand to the side, questioning me.

"I'm messed up right now,.. everything's broken." I mumbled looking down.

"Well." he stepped even closer again, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "I will help fix your heart."

"But I'm missing pieces." I whispered, holding my breath.

"Then... let me break my heart, just to fix yours."



😆 Hmmm, how cute!

Brad is such a soppy romantic!

Some of you may be confused about this chapter, so here it is:

The previous chapter, Brad gives Lily a box. that box is what she's describing just then.

The Carly thing was 'happening' during the last chapter- time wise, whilst the Brad and Lily thing was going on.

Sorry! xx

Hope you love!

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