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"Don't you want some?" I pushed the pan closer towards her. she was trying not to smile.

"I...I...what are you doing?" she said, her face now a stern frown.

I knew she was trying to sneak out, yesterday WAS awkward and I probably just ruined our friendship forever.

But I had to try.

I had to try to mend it.

Mend our friendship.... and my heart.

"Making you your favourite brekkie because I'm the bestest friend ever!" I walked back towards the kitchen.

I was still carrying the pan and, with it, motioned to Lily to follow.

I knew she was still mad- and weirded out- but she couldn't resist my Quorn bacon.

She slumped back inside and into the lounge.


I dished out the bacon beans and potato waffles on plates, making sure all the foods on Lily's was separate and not touching.

She's weird like that... a bit OCD.

But that's just another imperfection that makes her sooo perfect.

I had to sorT her plate like this to prove I was still the Brad she used to call her 'Braddy baby'.

I still remembered everything about her.

"I passed her the plate and sat down, she awkwardly chose the other seat.

"Lils I...." i mumbled.

"Leave it Brad, I know what you were doing."

"What was I doing?" I asked confused.

"You kissed me.." she began, looking down and pushing the food round with a fork.

"I know that..." I blushed, maybe I wasn't good enough for her.

Am I a bad kisser?!

"I know you did it because you were jealous." she sighed. "you thought that James was gonna become my number 1 and that I wouldn't be your best friend."

I couldn't speak so she continued.

"You kissed me because you thought it would be the only way to get back my attention. I know you don't like me like that, it's ok. I know you did it to try and keep our friendship."

"Umm what?" I muttered.

"We're ok now. it was no feelings, it was no fancying. I'm fine because I realise you haven't broken our pact."

"How can I not have broken the promise... I kissed you." I scratched my neck awkwardly.

"No the pact was no falling for each other. you haven't fallen for me, you were only scared to lose my friendship. We don't like like each other!"

"Yeah you're right." I whispered, but she was wrong.. very wrong.

I really liked her.

She got up and took her plate back into the kitchen. She came back and sat beside me.

"What should we do? we have until we need to get ready for James' party thing." she smiled and I quickly relaxed.

She was now acting like nothing happened and we are still best friends.

"Hmmmm..... costa?" I mumbled as she put her head on my shoulder.

"Yeah ok. Or maybe Starbucks."

I jumped up and grabbed my shoes from across the room. I had jolted Lily and she was wide-eyed.

"Come on Starbucks it is!" I shouted towards her as she got up and stretched.

"Lils?" I said quietly.


"Are we cool?"

"Yeah." she said

"Good but I have 1 more question before we drop the subject, never to talk about it again...." I shuffled around as she put on her hoodie.

"What?" she muttered, not understanding how important my question was.

"Am I really a bad kisser?!"


Sorry my update has been ages guys xxx I just don't know what to write- help if you have any advice xxxx

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