Chapter 18

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Angela's Pov

He just that. Anger wells up inside me and I let out a frustrated scream. Fine then! I will save the whole universe by myself...maybe.

"Let's go back to heaven..get this all sorted out." I say.

We all run outside and to the Oblivion Gates and cross over to heaven. But Seth says to pick up Satans sword. "Just in case we need it." he says. I pick it up and carry it, feeling a rush of electricity go through me, a power that makes me strong. It feels nice to have power...

Once we enter it is a horrific sight. Demons and Angels battle one another, men fighting and women and children hiding in their houses. I let out a shout and everyone looks towards me. No one daring to go against me with Satans sword in my grasp.Some giving confusing looks on how I dare hold the sword itself.

"Where is Satan?" I ask.

No one speaks, so I grab a demon by the throat. "TELL ME!" I scream.

"He is in the high chambers of God's Palace." he speaks. I release him and laugh as he coughs.

"Angela!" Seth says.

I trn around to see him lookng at me with anger.

"What?" I growl. This power feels so good...

"You just strangled him! What is wrong with you!"

"It's the sword, the sword is giving her pure evil power, no matter how pure of an angel she is, te evil is overcoming her." God says.

"It is not evil running through me! It is power!" I scream.

"Angela drop the sword!" Seth yells starting to walk up to me.

"Make me" I growl.

He takes another step towards me and anger fills me. How dare he challenge me!

I swing the sword and slash his thigh. Blood gushes out and I laugh.

Seth falls to the ground and holds his wound. God pulls him back away from me.

"I have no time for this, I need to see Satan." I say leaving and going up to Gods Palace.

James POV

Dominick leads me through the underground tunnels of the underworld. No one knows how to get around these paths except for a few...Satan and Dominick. The tunnels are like a labrinth, take one wrong turn and befaced with a horrifying nightmare, but take a right turn and find what you are seeking for soon enough.

"Where are they?" I ask.

"Through here my lord." He laughs.

We walk for another few minutes and impatiences starts to swell inside me.

"How much longer!" I ask.

"Soon enough." he says.

He turns a right and a wooden door is revealed.

He opens it and inside a crystal ball is sitting on a table. The rest of the room is dark and only a white fog floats around, a bright light from the crystall ball fills the room.

"What is this I have no time for this!" I scream.

"It is what is going on in heaven. Satan uses it to spy." Dominick says.

"Why do I need to see this?" I ask curiousity filling me.

"Trust me my lord, it is worth seeing." He smiles gesturing me to go inside and look.

I slowly walk to the crystal ball, Squinting my eyes from the light casting from it.

I peer into the crytal ball and nothing but white shows. But as i look, the white blurs away and Angela is shown..holding Satans sword with red filling her eyes.

She slashes Seth and laughs, speaking of her power.

"Its possessing her.." i whisper to myself.

I turn to run back to her but Dominick stands at the door smiling. I run to the door but her slams it closed. I pound on the door and pull with all my might but the door doesnt budge. For the first time fear takes over me.

I turn and run back to the ball, watching Angela as her eyes glow a red, an evil glint fills her eyes.

"Angela don't do this!" I scream, knowing she won't hear me.

I scream out in anger, sliding down the wall with my head in my hands. .

"Yelling won't get you no where.." I hear a voice say.

I look up and see a guy with white hair, and wearing a black shirt and black jeans with black boots. But the weird thing is, he isn't solid, you can see through him.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Felix, and I am assuming you are Satans "son"." he says quoting son.

"How did you-"

"I see everything, hint the crystal ball, and Satan comes down here a lot, quite a dick might I add." he says crossing his arms and shaking his head.

"What are you doing here?"

"I am the phantom of the underground passage...I was assigned this job. Not to long ago either...." he says losing train of thought a lot

So he's a phantom, huh, didn't know they even came out of the spirt world.

"What do you mean assigned what's your purpose?"

"To protect Rachel and Rosaline, given this order by Satan....i protect people." he says.

I nod. "I am a...friend of them. I thought I was her brother but you know the story.."

He nods.

"So, led me to them?"

"Fine, come this way."

He walks through the door and out into the hallway. Opening the door for me.

We walk for a few minutes then come to a room. Rachel and Rosaline are chained into a room. Blood spills from Rosaline...

"Mom!" I scream, even thought she isn't, it was just a force of habit.

I run over to her and snap the chains. I feel for a pulse, but the agonizing realization comes to mother, or as I used to think, is dead....

"James." Rachel whispers.

"Rachel I'm so sorry..." I say unchaining her.

"It's ok." she says. She starts to cough and winces.

I look down to see that she too has lost a lot of blood.

"This is what you call protecting!?" I scream at Felix, holding her thigh where the blood leaks out.

"My assignment was to keep their bodies from being tampered with..... they were like this when he assigned them to me." he says, swaying on his feet with his arms crossed.

"Save Angela..." Rachel says.

"I will take care of you Rachel, i will get you out of here I promise." I say.

She smiles at me. "She has made you a better person James, I knew she would. I'm so happy you found someone to give you light..." she says.

I kiss her forehead as she takes her last breath...

"I love you Rachel." I say.

Tears leave my eyes for the first time in awhile. I hold her close and let my tears flow.

"Her soul with go to heaven...I see it heaven." Felix says.

"She belongs there..." I say as I close her eyes.

I lay her back down.

"So.....what are we going to" Felix asks.

"We?" I ask.

"Yea we, you..... are my new master, Dominik was mine....then he told me to be rachels.....and Rachel is gone...and you are the one I go with...phantom rules." he says.

"Fine, help me get back to Angela." I say.

He nods and we walk back out into the halls of the labyrinth.

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