I am an angel that was kidnapped now, I am a demons slave

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*This is the original story, I have created a new edited version of this story called "To Be.... Or Not To Be..... An Angel" This story is very different (in my opinion better) than this one. Feel free to check it out!*

"Send in the angel!" The king of the demons screams, otherwise known as Satan.

Two demon's are in front of me, two behind. I hold onto my stuffed animal bunny. He's white, of course. Everything I used to own was white. But I was taken away from all of that. Now, I am in Hell, literally.

When I was five years old a war was going on between the Angels and Demons. The demons were losing of course. They always say good defeats evil. But this time the demons had a trick up there sleeve. They took the king of angels daughter, me.

I do not know my name. But every demon I have ever met just called me angel. I must have forgotten it when they knocked me out. All I remember before was playing with my bunny, then everything went black.

I walk on the hard, cold brick. Having no shoes, I wince every time I step on a stray rock. I am not supposed to make a sound. No prisoner is. I have a prisoner my whole life. Slaving away for Satan. Then once the work was done I would go back to my small and cold cell. I would sleep on an old cot. That is my life. Wake up, slave away, sometimes being beat if I did something wrong, then sleep.

Satan was generous enough to let me kept my bunny. But that it all I have besides the white dress I am wearing now. My hair is black, with slight natural curls in it. My eyes are blue. I am very short compared to the demons. But I don't know how tall or short I really am. There was a rumor in the slaves bunks that demons had human forms. But I had no idea what a human was. I think it's an angel without wings. Or a demon with a soul.

Today is a new day. Satan wanted to see me. Satan is scary. He is more than twice my size. Blackened skin, with red horns and wings. And a crown placed upon his head.

Right when we enter the throne room, I see Satan, with a thing I have yet to know what it is.

Hey guys new story! I haven't written in a while and I thought this was a good idea. Hope you all love it!

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