Chapter 19

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James Pov

Felix and I walk out of the Labyrinth and make it back into the main square.

"So what is the plan....when we get to your insane crazy girlfriend I mean." Felix says.

"She isn't normally insane! It's the sword, it lets off a curse on the beholder. The plan is we tap into her head and make her see that she isn't bad and she is an angel, maybe by getting the sword away from her. Once she is back to normal she will slay Satan." I explain.

"That's not a good plan, to many outcomes, what if we can't get to her....what if we can't get the sword...what if she is evil.? I mean she is half demon maybe the sword just awoken it." Felix says.

"Well, what other choice do we have?"

All those outcomes can happen..I just hope the last one isn't true.

Angela's Pov

The power takes over my body. Strength runs through my good it feels to no longer be weak.

I walk into the palace, no one threatens to stop me.

The inside of the place is destroyed. Columns are crumbled except for a few holding the front room from caving in. The marble stairs are almost completely smashed, barely enough spaces to get up them. Blood splatters among the floor in a few spots. Who's blood is that?

I walk up the crummy stairs. A huge painting that rested on the wall is shred in bits. What did it show? Who did it show?

Memories go through me as I see a little girl, me, run through the halls, a little boy with bright blonde hair, almost white chasing me. I'm screaming and giggling as he catches me and tickles me. I smile, that was me and my brother...I have a brother.

Why didn't he ever come to save me? He could've tried! Why was I forgotten!

Power rushes through my veins as I break the remaining banister on the stairs.

"Where are you Satan!?" I scream.

I hear an evil laugh fill the halls. I run to it. The laugh fills my ears, making me even more angrier.

I run up another set of stairs until I reach the top.

The room is huge. One wall being completely glass, showing the city around heaven. It's, on fire....

Fire engulfs much of the city as women and children and men run from the flames. I walk over to the glass wall. Tears fill my eyes as I watch them run for their lives. I drop the sword and start crying. My people! They are in trouble!

I go to turn around...only to see Satan in the doorway.

"Oh sweet, kind Angela...or should I say Annabelle?" he speaks, laughing as he does.

"Why would you do this to them!?," I say motioning to the flames. "they did nothing to you!"

"Oh but their Queen did, your pathetic mother...she made the brotherly bond go away with the mention of you. But you see, you were not his but mine. So he damned me. Oh the hatred I felt, not at my brother but at her. She was the reason that no one loved me anymore. That witch made the curse, yes she castes the curse on me...but my brother promised he would still love me. And that women! Oh she ruined it! She took the last loved one away!" he screams.

I back up against the glass. Trying to put as much distance between us a possible.

He starts to laugh.

"Oh but then I thought to myself...she didn't ruin the did! If you had never existed none of this would have happened! I would still be an angel and my brother would still love me! You are the reason I have no body to trust! No one cares for me no one! Everyone wants me dead! Even demons do!" he screams. He tips over a bookshelf onto the floor.

I almost see...tears? He is crying... I didn't know Satan had feelings besides hate.

"But I thought to myself again, why kill you if I could manipulate you? But then again, why manipulate you when I could take care of you? Like a father should? You could be my daughter and we could rule the world, heaven, hell and the human world. You can make all the humans slaves to you, make everyone listen to could even have James...Would you like that?" he asks.

"Satan, I can't let you rule the world with hate. You can't just control people. It's not right or fair. Why don't we just go back the way it was? You can go back to running hell, God can run heaven and we can leave the human world out of this. The way things should be. I mean, if you didn't keep demons in check them how would the world be balanced? You are just important as God." I say trying to calm him down.

He laughs, a cruel evil...scary laugh.

"Why would I just control demons when I can control much more? You know what it feels like to have power, you felt it when you had my sword. Do you want to go back to having everyone walk over you? Controlling you? Think about it, even James controlled you." he says.

"No he didn't." I say

"Think about it Annabelle, he always controlled you, I mean he didn't even want anyone to know about the two of you. Don't you remember? 'Well I can't hold you and show that I like you in front of people, it wouldn't be right for a demon to like an angel. Plus my reputation would be ruined.' He never cared for you Annabelle, he just wanted to control you, he just wanted to know that you would do anything for him so he would have to do nothing for you!" he says laughing.

How does he know he said that!?

"Oh Annabelle, I know everything. Just like how James and Silvia fucked each other, even when you were his slave. They always did it, and I heard him talking about how much he enjoyed it with her." he says.

"No! Shut up! He LOVES ME NOT HER!!!" I scream covering my ears.

"Make me." he says.

Anger rushes through me as I pick up the sword, and take a swing at him.

I take a breath trying to collect my thoughts, but they are almost as if the burning city outside, burning away every second. I drop the sword again.

"I remember how they used to go out together and party. How they would come back and spend time together while you were in your cell." he says.

"SHUT UP!" I say and grab the sword.

Anger rages through me, as I grab the sword and slash at Satan.

Hey guys! we are coming down to the wire with this story! But not to fear! I shall make a sequel and maybe a threequel( I think that's right). If you guys think that's a good idea for the next stories make sure to vote and comment, how do you think this book will end? comment your ideas! love you all!

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