Chapter 17

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Narrative POV

Angela, Seth and James walk through hell. It almost seems as if every demon has vanished since Satan left, leaving an eerie feeling left behind in the air.

Seth walks in front with Angela and James side by side behind him. He knows what he is getting himself into. One of the most powerful beings in this universe will die tonight. If Satan prevails all hope is lost, if God prevails, then the world shall be as it was back to normal, but with a new underworld ruler...James? Seth was so confused. If Satan and God were related wouldn't that make Angela and James related? .Seths face scrunches up with disgust.

James walks beside Angela, fear and worry fill him. What if something happens to his beloved? He can not survive without her..she is all he has left if Satan hasn't killed his mother and rachel yet. He looks over at Angela. Flashbacks apear before his eyes, he remembers the first day he saw her...she walked in the rom with that white tattered dress and little bunny he has came to love. He remembers the first time her lips were pressed to his..she was so nervous and scared. He remembers the first time he saw her in that beautiful dress at the dinner with the champion warriors, and how she was so stunning. Now she holds her head up high, walking along side him inside of hiding behind him. She has grown stronger but she is still very afraid. He can sense it. He promises himself that at any cost, even his life, he will protect this girl. This beautiful angel from anything that tries to harm her.

The three of them reach the gates of Oblivion. Each looking at each other before Angela opens the door.

Angela's POV

The cool air hits me in the face with a smack. Souls float around the atmosphere. Gray clouds cover the floor. We walk across the clouds and I look forward to father. I scream and run over to him. A sword with a bronze handle rests into his stomach. Satan's sword...

Out of fear and sadness I pull the sword out of him and kneel beside him.

"Daddy.." I say starting to cry. his old skin is pale and lacks life.

"Annabelle." he breaths and smiles, putting his hand on my cheek.

that must be my name. I smile at how close it is to Angela.

"Dad, I missed you so much." I say sniffling.

he shakes his.head no.

"Annabelle, you have to know the truth."

"What do you mean?"

"Annabelle, I am not your father, Satan is." he says weakly getting up.


"That can't be,!!" I scream and rake my hands into my hair.

This isn't right. But God doesn't lie..maybe he is kidding. But he wouldn't kid about this would he?

"I am.not a demon!" I say shaking.

James.comes side.immediately and holds me.

"She isn't a demon God there's no way!" James says.

"No not fully, she is half demon.half Angel. My wife, had an affair with Satan before I damned him...I found out because her stomach was growing. But you saw it yourself, only a blood relative can touch his sword, as you can see Annabelle ripped it out of me...thank you"

"Angela, Angela is Satan's...daughter?!" James yells.

"Yes..I'm afraid so..."

"But that means she's my sister?!" James says.

"No.James, you were a lost soul in oblivion, Satan abducted you..and I would have to ask you to let go.of my daughter. she may not be my blood but I did take care of.her."

"I'm not letting her go...." James growls.

I tighten my grip on.him.

"Now is not the time for this guys, Satan is planning a world domination!" Seth says.

God looks over at Seth, giving a look of...loss? Then nods.

"We shall go back to your castle." Seth says to God.

"We can't Satan has brought many demons through here. I have not seen many souls arrived so I think he is trying to kidnap everyone and make them all into demons...if he sees me I am doomed."

"We can get a disguise for you, we have several potions for that in the market." James says, picking me up in his arms bridal style. I think he's just doing it to piss off my father, no, uncle....?

"Let's go!" Seth says.

James places me down and all of us head to the gates of Hell. Since God only suffered a stomach wound and not the heart the cut is almost fully healed. I guess Satan just wanted to stall.

We run into town, and into the market. The door is locked but James pulls the doorknobs so hard the whole door comes off its hinges.

Walking inside rest hundreds of potions with labels on them.

"Everyone spread out! It's called Mormon!" Seth says.

We run through the shelves and aisles looking for the bottle.

I scan through every shelf, where is it??

I stop at shelf and see the Mormon bottle on the top shelf.

"James I found it! Aisle 70!" I yell.

I climb up one of the shelves and reach as high as I can. Still not tall enough. I step up on the next aisle. The boards groan and creek under my weight. I grab the bottle and smile....until I hear a SNAP!

"AHHH!" I scream.

Right before I think I hit the ground a pair of arms go around me. I look up to see James. I smile and kiss his cheek.

"Got it" I say.

He laughs and sets me down. God and Seth come running to us.

"Here drink this." James says taking the bottle and pulling the cork.

God takes a sip of it. Coughs a bit then his white hair turns into slick black with tanner skin. He looks 30 now.

"Ok now that that's done let's g-"

"Not so fast." I hear a somebody say.

We all turn around and see Dominick.

"You fucking bastard! Where is my family!?" James screams.

"They aren't your family James don't you remember that you are just a mere lost soul.

"Shut up!" he screams.

"Just relax James, just come with me to get them." Dominick says

Dominick drops his belt of weapons and takes the robe off.

"I am unarmed James, no tricks, and besides you are stronger than me."

James thinks for a minute. "Fine." he says.

"No, don't leave me." I say holding his arm back.

"Ill be fine Angela, just stay with Seth and God." he says.

he kisses my forehead and walks away with Dominick. I get a bad feeling in my stomach.

I am so look sorry that this chapter took so long! I had to think a lot about how.I wanted Angela to.find out and how the next chapters will be affected. So here it is... please don't be mad! love ya guys! Vote and comment

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