Chapter 3

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James pov

Fuck, fuck fuck! Angela is going to have an emotional breakdown when she sees her rabbit! I can't deal with that!! I hate it when girls cry its annoying!


I carry the ripped rabbit and walk to my mothers room. I open the door a little bit and scan the room.

Angela is asleep on the couch and my mum is sitting in her rocking chair looking out the window. Mum has an old story book in her lap. Ha, she must've read Angela a bedtime story.

"Mother?" I whisper.

She turns her head and smiles.

"Do you think you can fix it? It's Angela's and well, Silvia was pissed and ripped it." I say. I can't keep secrets from my mother she can read right through them.

Her nose scrunches at the mention of Silvia. She hates her. I only agreed to the betrothal because she had a nice chest and ass. I didn't give a damn anyways.

"Yes, I can." she holds her hand out for the rabbit.

Then snaps and her sewing needle appears in her hand.

"So Angela is sleeping again?" I ask

"Yes, those dungeons probably terrified her to the point she can't sleep." she says.

"Yea I guess, I mean it's not like they are all that bad." I scoff. Mother hates the way we treat prisoners. She hates this lifestyle.

"James, the dungeon is no place for an innocent angel. She's scared of her own shadow and you better not over work her." she scolds.

"First off, she's my damn slave and I shall do as I please with her and second every angel is innocent so don't act like she's any different." I say.

"James Matthew Rixton! How dare you speak to me that way! I am your mother and if I tell you to do something it will be accomplished!" she whisper shouts with her eyes beating red. That's her demon side, if she'd stop being so caring all the dang time.

"Whatever." I say.

"James how would you feel of they took your little sister?" my mother challenges.

I growl at the thought, no one will touch Rachel. She's only two years younger than me but I don't care. No one will hurt her.

"That's what I thought." my mother says.

I look over at Angela. She's wearing a black nightgown with white lace at the ends. Her hair is swept back and is laying behind her head. She looks peaceful.

"You will treat her kind, I have a feeling she will change you for the better." my mother says handing me the rabbit, rip free.

"Ha, sure whatever." I say.

I pick up Angela and she wraps her legs around my waist and arms around my neck. She must be half asleep.

I walk back to her room and lay her on the bed. Then cover her up.

I then move her arm and place her bunny under it.

I leave the room, and leave the lights dim.

~5 hours later.~

Angels pov

They are chasing me. Tree branches are trying to grab me. I'm screaming and running.

"HELP SOMEBODY HELP!!" I scream for someone, anyone.

Tears stream down my eyes. Then something tackles me.

They push down on my shoulders and shake me.

My surroundings slowly change when it is not a monster shaking me, but James with a worried expression on his face as he yells my name.

I snap up and wrap my arms around him. I don't care how much I dislike him. I would take comfort from him immediately after what happened.

"Angela are you ok?" he asks.

I start to sob into his chest. I don't want to be weak, I don't want to be scared. I just don't know how.

He pushes me away and stands up.

"What is the matter with you!?" he yells/growls.

"I-I demons were, they grabbed me, I I'm sorry." I say covering my face trying to stop.

He sighs. I feel being lifted.

I look up and see James room.

He sets me on his bed and sits in front of me and grabs my hands.

"Look, I know I'm a demon and you probably hate me. But, I'm different, I won't let anyone hurt you. I won't hurt you unless you don't do what I say or if I'm pissed off. You don't need to be scared. You are brave for lasting this long in hell being an angel. Demons say you are ugly but you aren't. You are scared because you haven't been cared for. You don't know what it's like. And I'm no prince charming and I'll probably hurt you emotionally a lot of times. But I'll be......somewhat civil? around you and I won't let people be mean to you, I think you've had enough of that." he says to me.

I blink my tears away and process what he says.

Then I hug him. I need a hug. He awkwardly pats my back then shoves me away.

"Ok, I'm going to go get you something to wear and let's go get you some more appropriate clothes to wear." he says.

I smile and get out of bed holding my bunny.

I follow him and then he goes into a room.

"Stay here." he whispers.

I stand in the hallway and sway back and forth on my feet.

He comes back with a black dress with a red puffy thing under it. And with some shoes with stings.

"Come on." he takes my hand and leads me back to his room. I like it when he holds my hand. What!? No, no no I do not.

He hands me the dress and I change in the bathroom. I look cute in the dress. It's weird wearing black though, I feel so dark.

I walk back into the room and he puts socks on my feet for me.

"Not to be mean, but I thought I was your slave, sir." I say and giggle.

He glares at me and I stop giggling.

He comes really close to my face. Like really close, close as in I can smell his breath close. It smells like bubblegum. He then moves his lips to my ear.

"Don't you push me, slave." he huskily whispers into my ear, leaving shivers going down my spine.

He chuckles and puts the shoes with strings on my feet.

"Why are there strings through the shoes?" I ask.

"It's so they don't fall off your feet, they are called laces." he says.

"Why do they go up to my ankle?" I ask.

"Because they are hightop converse that's the style." he says.

"oh." is all I say.

I look down at the black shoes. I like them.

I smile at the shoes and walk around looking at them. Only to bump into James.

"Oops, sorry." I say looking up.

Ok, again, close enough to smell bubblegum. Now I'm hungry.

"If you wanted to get close to me why didn't you just ask. He says and winks. My cheeks are on fire at the comment and I look down.

"I-I didn't. I wasn't" I stutter.

Curse being shy. That's why I love my bangs. They hide my eyes when I look down.

"I'm just teasing let's go." he says while he is laughing


Oooooo, is angela getting feelings for James? You shall find out soon. :) please make sure to click vote before you leave it's good motivation for me to write. Sorry it's kinda short :-/

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