Stop Arguing!

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"Bill!" Mrs. Denbrough called from downstairs. "Get your dog to stop chewing on my pillows!" She said annoyed.

Bill went downstairs and got Daisy. "Sorry Mom." I heard Bill say.

In case you're wondering I'm standing at the top of the stairs listening to their conversation.

"Bill if that dog keeps chewing on my things I will make it live outside." Mrs. Denbrough scolded. Harsh.

I heard Bill coming back upstairs, but I stayed where I was.

"Want to go get the other losers?" He asked me.

"Sure." I said smiling. "Are we taking Daisy with us?" I ask him.

Bill looked down at Daisy then back to me. "Yeah, I don't think Mom would appreciate more thing being chewed up." He said making me chuckle.

Bill and I got all the losers together and we decided to meet at the park. We were all sitting on a bench while Daisy was chasing squirrels.

"So..." Richie says breaking the silence.

"So what?" Ben asks him.

"Who says we climb the playground?" Richie asks. What does he mean climb the playground?

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"Climb to the top of that play-set." He says pointing.

"No, I'm not doing that." Stan says.

"Yes you are c'mon!" Richie says getting up.

"I'll stay here with the dog!" Bill calls after them.

"Bring the dog!" Eddie calls.

"I'm not bring my dog up there!" He calls back.

Bill, Eddie, and Richie keep arguing about the dog so I ask Ben something.

"How are things with you and Julia?" I ask him.

"Who?" He asks me.

"Julia, the girl from the library?" I wonder if he's forgotten her.

"Oh her, I haven't talked to her since that day." He says sheepishly.

"Oh." Is all I can say.

"Just come on Bill!" Richie calls.

I see Bill walking Daisy towards us. "I'll stay down here while you guys climb." He says.

So we all start climbing, except Bill, and sit on the roof of the play-set. It's really crowded since there are six of us up there.

"What if one of us falls?" Eddie panics.

"No one will fall Eddie." Mike reassures him.

"Don't jinx it." Stan says.

But they did, they jinxed it. Me being clumsy I slipped down the play-set roof. Luckily I landed on my feet but it still caught me by surprise.

"See I told you!" Eddie said climbing down from the top not wanting to be the next one to fall.

"You're so paranoid." Stan calls after him.

Soon everyone is back on the ground. Arguing like usual.

"Can we stop arguing please?" I ask them. By them I mean Richie, Stan, and Eddie.

"Yeah Guys you're giving me a headache." Mike says.

"Sorry guys." Richie, Stan, and Eddie say.

We all spend the rest of the day walking around the park and telling each other to stop arguing. All in all it was a good day. Daisy chased a lot of squirrels. That dog is really hyper. It's too bad we have school tomorrow.

A/N: Another late update I know, I'm sorry. I've been watching Christmas movies XD anyways happy holidays! Till next time fellow losers.

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