Lunch Spy

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I was walking down the halls avoiding eye contact if anyone I didn't know because it's just weird to make eye contact because I'm so socially awkward. Anyways, I open my locker and feel someone's eyes burning a hole through the back of my head. I turn around and see Bowers and Cory. Why is Cory hanging out with a guy like Henry?

I quickly turn back to my locker, shut it, and walk away. I hear people walking behind me, but I know it's not the Losers since they are already in homeroom. Knowing that Bowers and Cory don't have homeroom with me, and knowing that my class is just a few feet away, I walk as fast as I can to my class and my normal seat.

After I sit down and look into the hall where Cory and Bowers should be, they weren't there. I was just paranoid. Now I feel embarrassed even though nobody knew what was going on with me.

The day goes on as normal, except I'm still super paranoid. At lunch Cory sits down at our table. Everyone is silent and stares at him.

"What are you doing here?" Richie asks annoyed.

"Lucky 8 right?" Cory says taking a bite of his sandwich.

"7. Lucky 7." Mike says.

"Now it's 8." Cory says narrowing his eyes.

"Why are you here? Spying for Bowers now?" I ask him. He looks at me, and if looks could kill I would be in the ground right now.

"No." He says sharply.

"Then... why are you here?" Bill asks him confused.

"It's a free country." Cory says.

"You can sit with us today." Eddie says. Everyone looks at him.

"But only today!" Stan says his eyes still narrowed on Eddie.

No one talked that lunch. After I asked if he was spying for Bowers I think everyone got the memo.

The bell rang and I was still paranoid throughout the day. Our pop quizzes in math came back. I got a 100.. so did everyone else who read the directions. Richie got a 0 with a note saying Next time read the directions in red pen.

We were all walking home now. Nobody had any homework to do so that was good. About two minutes after we walked off school grounds Bowers and Cory stepped in front of us.

"Awfully quiet at lunch today." Cory says with an evil grin on his face. Henry has the same look.

Run. Is the only thing that goes through my mind at this moment.

A/N: I just pushed my sister off a bed XD she's ok don't worry. I added some Bowers drama since someone requested it in the comments :) I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Till next time fellow losers.

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