Sleepy Monday

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It was Monday. I hate Monday's. Everyone hates Monday. It means no more sleeping in or staying up late, that it's time for work or school. The Losers and I were all in our homeroom. Mrs. Simmons had 'pop quiz' written in big letters on the board.

"Are we going to have to write more about the missing kids?" Richie asked Mrs. Simmons.

"You'll see." Is all she said. We all exchanged looks. None of us liked writing about that topic. Nobody did. Especially if you were one of those people who just ignored the fact the kids go missing.

Yet, here we are. Learning about one of the most touchiest topics in all Derry history.

"Uh, Mrs. Simmons? How come we are the only high school history class learning about the missing kids?" Ben asks her. She looks at him.

"Because it is an important topic that you all should be aware of." She says smiling.

So yes, we took the pop quiz and wrote about the missing kids like usual. The bell rang soon after most of the kids finished and the day went on as normal. Learning boring stuff that we will probably never need in life.


"Guys they're selling pudding!" Richie says excitedly as he sits down at our table.

"We know Richie." Stan says making him look at all of our plates which all had a pudding cup on it.

"Oh." He says. "Well, does anyone know whatever happened to Kate?" Richie asks us.

"I think after Bev kicked her bike she left us alone." Eddie says.

"Probably." Says Richie as he eats his pudding.

"Please tell me you guys have something going on?" I say to them. If there isn't I might cry.

Richie and Eddie share a look then look back to me and the rest of the Losers who are now interested in this topic.

"You can't tell anyone." Richie hissed. I smiled.

We all knew what could or might happen if the word got out about Richie and Eddie. It was dangerous to not be straight in these times. You would get bullied or worse. I mean, all of us have already been bullied, but you probably get the picture.

The rest of lunch we talk about what we're learning and some other things. Some other things because I wasn't paying attention to what they were saying.

The bell rang dismissing everyone from lunch. My next class, math, I fell asleep as soon as my teacher started talking about integers. Why do we learn about these again? Something to do with counting money, I don't know don't ask me. Soon enough I'm out of school and the Losers and I are walking to Bill's house to do homework. We aren't going to the library because Richie and Stan's arguing got too loud. Boys.

But I'm used to it. The arguing and such. I don't mind arguing until it gets too loud and starts giving me a headache. When we get to Bill's house is Mom isn't home. She's still at work. She has started working double shifts since Bill's Dad is in the hospital. We all start working on homework. Richie falls asleep on his papers at one point. We just let him sleep. It can be hard to wake up Richie sometimes and it is best not to wake him unless it is something important.

A few hours later everyone has left after Bill's Mom made everyone dinner. I showered and got into bed. Bill still comes in during the middle of the night which makes me happy. He brings Daisy with him too.

I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

A/N: Am I a bad sister for getting my ten year old sister to like horror movies? I showed her the miniseries of IT and she got scared but then wanted to watch it again XD I also let her watch Pet Semetary which she also liked sooooo... yeah. My mom doesn't want me to show her the new version of IT yet but she's dying to see it so I showed her the part where they killed the clown and yeahhhh. Ok anyways, till next time fellow losers.

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