White Christmas

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Richie was bundled up in almost all of the clothes he brought with him. None of us opened any presents, well Bill gave me a necklace which I am never taking off. It also snowed ten inches that night.

"YES!" Richie screamed as he face planted into the snow.

"Richie you're going to catch pneumonia!" Eddie scolded.

"Look ya me! I look like a walking marshmallow! I doubt I'll get pneumonia you idiot." Richie said. Eddie groaned and started to make a snow angel.

We had fun that day. We all built snowmen and threw snowballs at each other. My aunt made hot chocolate and Richie poured hot chocolate onto Eddie. Eddie also poured marshmallows on Richie.

"You guys act like five year olds." I tell them. Richie and Eddie scoff and go back to trying to get the chocolate out of their faces.

"You and Bill acted like five year olds." Stanley said.

Bill looked confused. "When?" He asked.

"That time we all got milk shakes at the diner. You put whipped cream on her nose." Stanley said.

"Yeah but that was in a cute way, Stan." Bill says.

"Plus we were on a date how did you even know about that?" I ask him. Stanley blushes a little.

That afternoon Richie did a lot of face plants into the snow off the outdoor table my aunt has in her backyard.

"You're going to break your nose." Eddie says.

"You're just paranoid now shut up." Richie says face planting again.

Daisy was running around in the snow digging her snout underneath it. She was so cute. Once Ben started coughing Eddie yelled pneumonia so we all went inside since we didn't want him to be paranoid anymore.

My aunt wasn't home either she was at work, or at least that's what she told us. I wouldn't be surprised if she was with some of her friends drinking.

"When do we go back to Derry?" Stanley asks. He doesn't celebrate Christmas since he's Jewish and he doesn't have much spirit in him at this time of year.

"Two days." Mike tells him looking at me for confirmation. I nod. "Two days." He repeats nodding.

I hear the front door open.

"I'm home!" She calls out.

"Ok!" We all shout back. The seven losers are sitting in the living room watching cartoons.

"I'll be in my room." My aunt says already half way upstairs.

Everyone falls asleep watching cartoons except me and Bill.

"Thanks for coming here with me." I say over Richie's loud snoring.

"You're welcome Bev." He says smiling. I smile back.

This was a great Christmas.

A/N: Merry Christmas; happy holidays! I'm really happy rn I got a puppy for Christmas and he's adorable I can't. Mad yeah that's him at the top of the page. Well I hope you all had a good day and got what you wanted. Till next time fellow losers.

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