The Basement

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The bell just rang signaling it's time for lunch. That means it's time for us to go to the basement and meet this mystery person. Bill and I told the rest of the Losers about the note and going to the school basement. We were currently all walking down the steps into the dark pit of nothing.

"I'm hungry!" Richie whined.

"Shut up." Everyone says at the same time.

When we get to the bottom of the steps I look around. I see a young boys silhouette standing by a heater.

I guess everyone else saw him too. "What the heck is that?!" Richie exclaims jumping into Eddie's arms.

Eddie scoffs. "Richie you're so heavy!" Eddie whines putting a trembling Richie down.

"I was hoping you'd come alone." The silhouette says to me.

"Who are you?" I ask him. It has to be a boy from my homeroom.

"I'm sad you don't recognize me." The silhouette says.

"Who are you?" I ask again repeating myself.

The silhouette steps closer to us and I can see his face clearly.

"I'm Jackson Eckhem." He says. I recognize the name from when Mrs. Simmons calls roll.

"Ok and why did you want to meet in the basement?" I ask him confused.

"I'll tell you. If they leave." Jackson says pointing to my friends.

I look at them then back at him. "I stay they stay." I say to him.

"Actually it's quite dirty down here and I might-" Eddie starts but Stan stomps on his foot making him yelp.

"Fine." Jackson agrees. "I just wanted to let you know that your boyfriend over there's father isn't doing to well. I should know. My dad works at the hospital where his dad is." I look at Bill who is looking down at his feet.

"His dad is doing fine and will get better." I hiss to Jackson.

"If you say so." Jackson says then walks past me and back up the steps.

"Screw you." I hear Mike whisper to Jackson before he leaves.

I walk over to Bill. "Are you ok?" I ask him as we all walk back up the stairs and to the cafeteria.

"Yeah. I'm f-fine." He says nervously and obviously not fine.

"You're not fine. You're stuttering." I say. Bill sighs.

"I already know my dad is not going to live that much longer. It just hurts to hear somebody, who I don't even know, say it to my girlfriend when I'm standing right there." Bill says sadly. I side hug him.

"Everything will be fine Bill." I say reassuring him. I hear him sigh and nod his head.

"Thank you Bev." He says. I don't know what he's saying thank you for but it'd be rude to not say you're welcome.

"You're welcome Bill." I tell him and kiss his cheek.

A/N: I forgot to tell y'all what my sister got me for Christmas. A battery. She got me a battery. I gave her a cactus though so.. I guess we're even? Eh, whatever I laughed till I cried when I opened her gift. Anyways till next time fellow losers.

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