Chapter Twenty-one: The lost friend.

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  • Dedicated to To All The Amazing People Who Comment ILY <3

Chapter Twenty-one: The lost friend.

[Brooke’s POV]:

I rested my head on Blake’s shoulder and looked up into his perfectly hazel eyes. They seemed so distance as if he was thinking about something so seriously, he looked sad even though we were having such a blast together. I was starting to feel guilty knowing about his sister, it was eating at me.                                                                                                                               

“What’s up?” I asked seeing him gaze into the restless ocean.                                                                                                                   

“I’m just wondering what life would be like if you weren’t here... If Anthony hadn’t saved you...” Blake mumbled tightening his hand into a fist as he said Anthony’s name.                                                                                                            

“He would be here... If it wasn’t for me,” I admitted quietly feeling terrible seeing Blake’s face quiver with sadness thinking about his best friend.                                                                                                                                                                                       

“What do you mean? You’re not the one who put the bullet to his head,” Blake muttered.

I grabbed Blake’s hand and kissed it bitting my lip holding back my tears that I could feel forming in my eyes. I hated this, I hated feeling like this was all my fault. I knew it wasn’t but then again it sort of was. If he hadn’t fallen for me than he would still be here. No, it was because I was with Blake, that’s was the problem.                                                                             

“It was my fault, and don’t try anything to tell me it wasn’t.” I said quickly before staring back into the ocean.

I closed my eyes as if felt a few tears escape my restraint as they dropped off my cheeks. I felt Blake’s hand brush against my cheek wiping the tears away. I looked back up at him and saw that he was just as upset as I was. The wind blew furiously against us as the rainclouds started to get darker. Blake rubbed the rest of my tears away and moved his lips closer to mine, carefully hovering them over mine. His breath was warm unlike the cold crisp air around us. I shivered as he closed the deal and pressed our lips together letting them mesh perfectly in sync. I couldn’t deny it, no matter how terrible I felt for Anthony, I loved Blake. Nothing was going to let that part. Nothing...

[Skylar’s POV]:

It’s the darkness that consumes us, when you’re dying the darkness is peaceful it pulls you out of your misery and keeps you in that peaceful place of nothingness. You go cold and nothing needs to worry you anymore, complete peace. What I would do for slumber, for not having to see the light of day anymore.                                                                                                   

“Skylar, wake up...” It was the same female voice I had been hearing for awhile now; I didn’t want to get to me.

She seemed so sad, as if she was begging me to snap out of this cold dark place. As if she cared about me, every part of me wanted it to be Lauren’s voice but I knew so badly it wasn’t. I started to pull myself back into reality letting my eyes flutter open to see her... Katie, she started to smile as I opened my eyes. She looked so worried, as if she had been here every second of the way.                                                                                                                                                                                        

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