Chapter Ten: What a stupid thing to say...

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Chapter ten: What a stupid thing to say...

[Brooke’s POV]:

I felt wanted for the first time in my life. I felt Blake’s lips move perfectly in time with mine as the taste of him sent a shiver of absolute pleasure through my body. He tasted so nice, so fresh so... natural. I could feel that Blake smiled as if he was able to tell what I was thinking, I couldn’t help but to smile into the kiss as well. I opened my mouth to let his tongue back in; suddenly there was a rush of delightful flavours in my mouth all at once. If I knew that kissing someone was going to be this good I would have dated guys more often.                                                                                                                                

“I love you Brooke...” Blake whispered against my lips.                                                                                                                                         

“Blake...I-I like you a lot,” I mumbled into his mouth embarrassed of saying I love you.

I love you is three of the most painful words to me, mostly because I have never said it to anyone besides my birth parents. I made a promise to myself that I wasn’t going to say I love you to anyone ever again. I wonder if I could keep that promise now...

Blake suddenly removed his mouth from mine and gave me a disappointed look.                                                                              

“That’s not really the response I was hoping for...” He said sounding confused.                                                                                 

“Oh, I like you too.” I quickly said quietly hoping that he wouldn’t notice.

He grabbed my hand and brought it to his mouth and bit it gently. I looked at him unsure but he didn’t seem to notice.                

“Why won’t you say it?” Blake asked between the kisses he was giving me on the hand.                                              

Just by that remark I knew what he meant, but I didn’t know how to explain it to him. What would I say?                            

“I don’t know...” I lied quickly before turning my attention from him.                                                                                                          

“Shit this was all too soon wasn’t it?” Blake asked sounding very annoyed with himself.

I turned back to look at him, his hazel eyes have a glimmer of anger in them but it wasn’t directed at me more at himself. His honey blonde hair was messy like he just woke up. I smiled at his appearance, it was sexy. I closed my eyes and tucked my face back into his shoulder blade. I felt bad for not telling him that I loved him, but was that what this really was? I barely knew Blake but every part of my heart was telling me that I could trust him, that I could love him.              

“Why... Why don’t you love me?” Blake suddenly asked harshly almost ruining the peaceful mood that we were in.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

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