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Nothing is worse than being lonely. Nothing's worse than being surrounded by tons of people, but feeling an empty abyss in your heart--wanting other people, your old friends. It sucks to lose people that only wanted the best for you. I didn't know what to do that night, I was already pissed about this arrangement and I let out all my anger on my friends.

It wasn't their faults that I made these decisions in the first place. All of it was my fault.


My palms were sweaty, not because I was nervous. But because I was about to pass out. I couldn't believe this was happening, I wanted nothing more than for it all to end. This had to be some nightmare, I wanted to wake up now!

"Why the long face", the familiar sound of my sister's voice filled the room I paced in.

I immediately turned around, "Hey", I gave her a hug before she took a seat on the couch, watching me pace.

"So you're obviously not ready for this....at all", she let out a dry laugh.

I looked up from my pacing, "W-what?"

"I'm not a fucking idiot Cal, I was at that engagement party", she threw her head back with laughter, "It's no secret you're still in love with Summer."

No shit. "Even Lilia knows that", I muttered.

"What", she asked while shooting her head up.

"I mean I don't know what you're talking about", I cleared my throat. No one except my old friends, Lilia, and her father's gang knew of the situation we were all in. My family believed that Summer was just a close friend and Lilia and I were happily engaged, soon to be married. They had no idea that we were practically being held against our will. "I gotta finish getting ready", I coughed while turning to the mirror and grabbing my tie off the coffee table.

"Alright, I'll go find my seat then", she stood up with a sigh, "Oh and Summer told me to give this to you", she handed me a balled up piece of paper, "Open it", she waited with her hands together.

I quickly unfolded the piece of paper, almost too eager.


not much time to write this, and i know we've all been goin' through shit but please:

don't fight it and agree

not much time to explain but please DON'T FIGHT IT! i got this...you got this :)


summer <3

I looked up at Mali. I didn't know what any of this meant but did she know what was going on. How else would she have even talked to Summer?

"Do you--"

"Yeah, she told me about everything over the phone last night", my big sister smiled at me, "I got your back lil bro."

"But can you tell me what this means", I asked as she was already heading out the door.

She looked down at her phone, "Not enough time, you're getting married in five minutes", she shrugged before running out.


Lilia was stunning, but I didn't love her. She looked even more gorgeous in her white dress, but looks were deceiving. She was a self-conscious bully to put it lightly. She smiled at the crowd, then me, as if the wedding was being broadcasted or something.

"Do you Lilia Franko James take Calum Thomas Hood, to love and to hold, in sickness and health, till death do you part", the minister looked at her.

I wanted to cry, I wanted nothing more than an alien invasion to begin right at this moment. Someone, please choke on air (as bad as that sounds) to make it stop! I wasn't ready!

"I do", Lilia squeezed my hand even tighter with a huge grin on her face. Not to be cocky, but she really loved me. But I didn't love her back and she knew it.

"Do you Calum Thomas Hood take Lilia James, to love and to hold, in sickness and health, till death do you part", the minister turned to me.

A bead of sweat fell down my face, I was about to call it off. I wanted to shout that I hated her and wanted nothing to do with this real-life Cruella DeVil when a voice shouted through the outdoor area.

"Calum I love you", her voice yelled and I knew she was asking to be killed right there, on my "wedding day", right in front of me.

Everyone gasped and heads turned to find Summer in a black dress, staring at me dead in the eye. She didn't break eye contact as she excused herself from her seat in the row (along with all of my old friends who wore smirks) and made her way over to the altar.

"I know you didn't ask if anyone had an objection yet", she told the minister, "But that was a bit too cliche for me and I'm on a tight schedule", she tapped her tiny gold watch before smiling at me.

"You fucking bitch", Lilia yelled at Summer, but Summer didn't even flinch. She actually looked amused, wearing a smug look.

"I try", she flipped her hair before looking down at her watch again and smashing her lips onto mine. 

What the fuck was going on? I was going to fight it when I remembered the paper. Was this what she was talking about? What else would she be talking about?

I wrapped my arms around her waist as she seemed to squeeze me tighter.

"What did I fucking tell you Hood", a heavy voice yelled, causing everyone to jump, "You're fucking over!"

I was going to pull away but Summer already had and we were now thrown onto the floor. Gunshots rang through my ears, this was not how I pictured my wedding to be. I felt like I was pursuing my childhood dreams of being in Spy Kids and I couldn't tell if this nightmare had become a dream or not. 

"Summer", I gasped as we crawled under a table, watching quietly at the scene in front of us, "What the hell is going on?"

"I'll explain, but depending on how this goes", she looked from under the table cloth once more, "It might need to be postponed to a different time."

"Well who the hell is fighting out there?!"

"Lilia's dad, his gang, and a couple of FBI colleagues my friend knows", she punched my shoulder lightly.

"No fucking way", my jaw dropped, "You're such a liar", I gasped as I lifted the table cloth and saw people with "FBI" fists running around as other guests made their way out, "Oh my gosh", I shrieked.

Summer nodded, about to say something when we were interrupted.

"This is epic", Michael gasped from the table next to us with his phone hanging out of the table to take pictures, Crystal immediately slapping his arm to make him stop.

I smiled at my friends who were all squatting under tables like Summer and I....except Luke, "Where's Luke?"

Their eyes all went wide as we looked around for the blonde boy. He was nowhere to be found, until we all found him without having to say anything.

Lilia hovered over him, a knife in her hand, ready to pounce.





not breadstick!

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