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"Thank you", we all voiced before stepping out of the stuffy uber and into the congested city.

"How the fuck do you find one specific person in Time Square", Michael asked as we all looked around.

"We go where she would most likely be", I shrugged.

"She's very open to new things", Calum tried to contradict my suggestion.

"You would know", Luke wiggled his eyebrows at Calum as Calum's grew red.

We all bit back our laughter while Michael gasped, "Liz is gonna have to shove a bar of soap down your throat."

We all playfully rolled our eyes before hitting up as many cafes as we possibly could.

"What if whoever could've taken her was just trying to throw us off, she could've easily gone somewhere else", Ashton whispered to me as we crossed through an alley.

"N-no", I stuttered, not even thinking about that before, "Sh-she's here", I gulped, "Of course she is", I gained full confidence as we walked through the dark night.


All of us looked up like trained dogs, that was a blood-curdling scream, "That's definitely Summer", Calum said while following it.

"Once again", Luke crossed his arms, "You would know", he smirked as we all turned and gave him cold stares, "Too soon?"

"It's coming from here, I know it", Calum whispered while pointing to the back end of a brick building.

"It's abandoned", I said in a 'duh' tone.

"Doesn't look like it to me", Ashton took his arm from around my shoulder and opened a bigger window, "I'd say we could all fit through this", he shrugged.

"I'm going first, I have to know she's okay", Calum pushed past all of us and practically threw himself through the window without thinking twice.

"I'll go next", Michael said before climbing through, Luke following.

"Go before me so I can make sure nothing happens", Ash gestured for me to go.

I nodded before pulling my leg through but stopping, "Just in case this place isn't as abandoned as we thought", I hugged him.

He smiled before pecking my lips, "You're always thinking the worst, love."

I shrugged before climbing through, he followed and left the window open a crack.

"I don't think anyone's in here", Michael whispered as we walked through the dimly lit...apartment?

"I beg to differ", Luke kicked aside a bag and revealed Summer's suitcase, "She's in here."

"We should just call the cops and let them handle it", Michael was terrified.

"That gives whoever has her, time to bounce", Calum looked at a flight of stairs in front of us, "We don't have that type of time", he began tiptoeing up the stairs.

"What if they have a weapon", I asked with, now, concern.

Calum shrugged, "It's all of us against them."

"What if there's more than one of them", Luke asked as we all followed Calum up the dark stairs.

Calum shrugged, "Emily grabs Summer's and leaves through the window we came in, we'll meet where we got dropped off by the uber."

"You really planned this out, didn't you", Ashton asked.

"Not really", Calum answered, "I just need to find her."

We all nodded as a door was now the only thing standing in the way of us finding her.

"Cal don't open it", Michael began to grow scared.

"I have to find her", Calum whisper yelled with slight anger.

"Don't", Michael put his hand on the doorknob.

"Then fucking leave", Calum said coldly.

We all grew silent as Michael finally sighed, "Whatever", he pulled his hand off of the knob as Calum twisted it.

"Let her go", he yelled, but he was too late.

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