Chapter One: The start of a Life

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Why did my life never thrown a bone to me. It's seemed one thing after the next trouble and problems was all I got. What had I done in a past life to deserve this. An alcoholic father that can't seem to control his bad habit. Even worse he wasn't spending his own hard earned money but mine at the casinos. He wasn't the one going to school with a endless job to keep our old homes roof over our heads. It didn't help that the little money I gave him to feed his only son and my little brother was spent other ways. In an instant would turn and gamble it away. A few times even taking loans that I in turn, had to pay off when he never had the money.

Tonight being one of those nights were I had to play nice with the mob people in Rio. My father again taking a loan that was out of my range to pay in cash. The only other way was entertainment for them.

Not in the way your thinking thankfully.

No, they like to hear me sing. All the gangs knew me from the nightclub I sang at. They all wanted a private singer for their party's that was classy but sexy to them.

Standing at five six with tone long legs and arms. My long blonde hair curling to my lower back always having them pause once my eyes captured there's. Many saying they were the deepest blue they had ever seen. My voice adding on to the appeal that could be low then raises to the ceiling with each song I sang. Jazz being my most popular along with the newer age music. All of them watching my hips on stage as I walked with confidence along the worn wood floor. Thankful I wore wedges stepping over each crack that I would have faltered in with heel points.

"Alessandra!" Gretchen called being the manager of the strip club that tonight I was at by the gentlemen in the crowd.

Her brown muddy color hair in a tight bun matching her eyes. Zeroing in on me as she hustled up the side of the stage. A straight black skirt keeping her from taking larger steps as the blue blouse strained against her fake breast looking lower now in her forty-six waxy skin holding them. "Sing something more sexy and appealing for them to spend more. Get them in the mood." She rushed in a hissing tone only for me to hear, nodding my head.

She then ran around the back to the band to start a more erotic tone. The lights over head dimming making my crimson silk dress shimmer lightly in the yellow glow. My body moving to the new tone, walking along slowly with a seductive sway of my hips. The men that technically we're renting me to pay off my father's debt throwing more money onto the smaller stages as the women on the poles slowly took their clothes off. There eyes turning with lust over there nude forms, where the few watched my every move.

It was several hours later into the morning when they finally let me go. There interest now wavering to the physical for the dancers. My entertainment no longer wanted finally. Relief taking hold of my heart that tonight I didn't have to drug one of them to think they had had me. A method of the tongue to have them swallow a sleeping pill while they would kiss me drunk as a skunk unaware till they passed out.

I never went anywhere without my bracelet that held several of the white pills, easy to accesses. It was something I learned to do in the first several teen years of my life after one night that took my innocents by one of these bastards. The man I would always remember drugging me to lose my motor skills but stayed awake threw the whole thing. His eyes and face I would never be able to forget to this day. An image tattooed to my mind forever.

Quickly I walked the early morning streets. The sun slowly painting the sky a blue hue. My feet taking me up the hills and to my small home that was once lovely when my mother was around. My father being the reason she was no longer with us. His greed greener then I would have thought selling her off to pay yet again for his debt in saving this pathetic house. My brother having no memory of her having been only two when she was taken.

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