Chapter Four: Tables Turning

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My plan of being in the shadows for the time had done wonders. Easily weeding out the few over the past months in finding the rats in my group. Even with in that time Amelia having her name clearing rightfully and soon to be pronounced Queen of The Mafia. Something she didn't know that was happening soon by the love of her life Lawrence Luciano now King and highly respected threw the world. A world that was ran by him now no less.

But now with that aside I needed to work on my own world. My world of South America and getting back to my manhunt. Tonight hoping I would reach a piece to Annalisa with the balding man Alessandra had mentioned. He was a hard man to track down being as I was guessing was with Annalisa on there island perhaps. Him being the only of the two I could find as of now. Dimitri I was leaving for last.

But it did keep the woman in my thoughts. Even if she effortlessly pressed on my sanity, she was alway in the back of my mind. Sadly though following her was not a thing I could do anymore. Finding her seemed to become challenging as well at times. I would only get glimpses of her going to that guy Ivan's apartment or her friends house I found to be Lexi Michael's. The young woman having used to be a passing girl in the darker circles of parties now glad to see she was doing better in life. Her having high grades in school and taking care of Alessandra brother that was just as smart.

But Alessandra seemed to have become smarter and elusive now. Her father's gambling as I had predicted, spiralling out of control. She would kill me to know the few times I even paid them off before they went in search of her entertainment as he would promise for the night. A promise that never would be fulfilled or end up dead if they didn't comply with my demand.

But it did help in the word getting around overtime that I was back and that I ment business. Most easily coming onto my shit list that I now had for everytime someone said something I didn't like. You can guess what most of them talked about that would displeased me fiercely.

She would be stuck forever in my thoughts and I knew I could never have her. She would not want to conform to my life. Better yet I didn't think she even could hold emotions for anyone other then her brother and the Michael's. Even having one night come so low to confide in my brother that surpisingly helped out immensely regarding her.

She was as I thought, a wall so high in letting people in it may as well be impossible. Her trust in others broken that I felt may be beyond repair. She would need someone to break her from her shell. Someone she could trust and that someone couldn't be me. Trust was something I didn't give to many, so how could I tell her to trust anyone else. A battle that no doubt would turn into a war of words that would never end till one of us left leaving the other in turmoil.

So finally I stopped watching her. I hoped that she would find someone for her. Even if the thought went against every fiber of by being. I couldn't be what she needed. Deleting and burning every intel I had on her. I cleaned house of the people that had watched her for me to not leave a trail. A trail I didn't want dangerously leading to her by me.

So here I was months later clear headed to focus on my manhunt. I walked into the establishment to hear the familiar sound of a gun being fired resonating around the building deep in the low parts of South America. The building I've heard to be for his underground casino and passing of anything you wanted. Let it be money or the flesh, he had it. Of course he would working alongside Dimitri at times but right now the shit head had gone into hiding smartly after finding I was alive.

A cry ring out just as loud after the gun that sounded feminine in despair. My men flanking me tightly as we approached the back room ready. Samuel and my closer security now my only men at the ready for anything but still looked calm placing their hands on the tops of their guns. One of my men opened the door wide to the scene that I hadn't expected to see tonight. Or even ever for that matter.

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