Chapter Two: Shattered Reality

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Sounds of the house coming alive once again was interesting. Looking up I could tell the sun was barely coming up. Pulling the covers more over me hiding from the new day. My eyes closing once more into sleep blissfully. Lexi could take Erin to school easily sense her home was just a few blocks away. My body to relaxed in heaven to move out of this wonderful bed at any point. Once more falling to sleep but again only for brief moments it felt.

"God I'm going to kill him for having sex in my bed." A deep deathly voice growled suddenly in the room, awakening my body's senses instantly by the sound. My eyes snapping open once more to the slam of a door against the wall.

"Hmm... sex in who's bed?" I said softly turning over to see the back of a very broad shoulder man bending down to pick up my discarded dress on the bathroom floor.

"This is my bed! Now get out of it so I can burn all of it!" He roared thunderously, turning towards me to see eyes so gold they were almost yellow glaring at me like I was the plague. His temper irritating when obviously I was alone to his accusation of assuming what had went on in here.

"Calm down... No sex was had in this bed, special with your arrogant brother." I grumbled snuggling back into the bed. Not caring that most likely who that was, was really the so called mob leader or king.

Lexi was right though because just with one glance I could see why he was as she said, hot as sin. Those eyes a molten gold of rage right now that for once in my life was thigh clinching errotic. Add on the dark thick mess of curls of his head. A square jaw meeting up to perfectly kissable dark red lips. He was a walking fantasy to me, impressively tall and muscular in a dashing tux straining with his tight movements I'm guessing was holding in his rage for control.

"What do you mean no sex? Then why the hell are you in my bed!?" He suddenly yelled again snapping me out of my thoughts instantly with the comforter leaving my hidden body. The cold instantly assaulting my skin as I glared up to him pissed that my blissful sleep was ruined so soon. Oh how wonderful it was for how long it had lasted.

"It was the only room in the house that wasn't occupied and quit. Even better had a lock." I retorted seeing his face blank but his eyes told me everything. Looking down I realized the first few buttons of the shirt in my sleep had popped open, exposing a good view of my cleavage. My legs and ass completely shown now with the fabric high up my hips.

"Because it's my room and everyone knows not to take a step in it without my knowledge. Do you have a death wish?" He suddenly said snapping out of his gaze over my form to settle on my eyes with disdain.

"No, I just wanted to get away from the drunks and not be raped." I clipped out sitting up locking my eyes on him with a hard glare standing to shoulder past him. Ripping my dress out of his grasp easily to step past.

"What's your name?" He called halting only steps away. A sudden feeling of not wanting to be to far from this man's dark aura being quite appealing and ridiculous at the same time. Sighing that life never seemed to let me have any type of break. A smile turning on my lips feeling daring as I turned to look over my shoulder to him. Our eyes locking irritatingly easily as I slowly popped each remaining button on the shirt as I spoke.

"None of your business mister brooding. I'll just get out of your hair now. The bed is all yours." I clipped out dropping the shirt to see his eyes widen comically. As if his eyes were seering every inch of my skin. Skilfully sliding my dress over my head settling it around my hips with a flourish of fabric just to get a reaction from him and completely worked, seeing him dumbfounded. "Have a wonderful day." I said with sarcasm, padding towards the door only to be stopped before I could reach it.

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