Chapter Seventeen: New York 2.0

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That's all I could see.

My ears picking up the sounds of a car driving on dirt came to my sense. Then a harsh stop being thrown into the side of the van I was in.

"Everything will be okay baby. I love you so, so, so much." The sound of my mother's strained voice beside me. Even though I couldn't see her I could hear how hard she was trying to sound as if she weren't crying. Terror flooding my small body that felt so weak.

I want to tell her it wouldn't be. That this was going to be the last day of our lives when the back doors were thrown open. Sounds of my mother's struggles froze my lungs. A pair of large hands pulling me from the back and then drag me by my hair on the hard ground. I tried to break threw the ropes that bound my wrist but was useless.

I was lifted into a chair with the sounds of my mother's whimpers in the background. Cold wires curling and ripping along my skin as they fastened me to the chair. There laughter clear as I tried in vain to free myself. Then the blackness was gone, blinding me with bright light of the high sun.

"Finally I have you for the taking." My eyes widening as I took in the scene before me.

Uncle Leo who I thought was my family stood before me. His hand tightly wrapped around my mother's throat. The other shamelessly gliding along her body as she struggled in his grasp. Green gold eyes filled with fear stared back at me. A plea in them I couldn't understand at the time but now I did.

To look away.

But how could I when she was all I could see. I was always called a mama's boy. She was my world. My mother and my light.

"You never should have had children, you bitch. You go into hiding and then come out with a fucking son! But now he will get what's coming to him. That shitty husband of yours should have stayed gone! You ruined what I had built while you coward away! I had everything I wanted and you just took it all away."

"It was never yours to begin with." My mother breathed as Leonard's face contorted in rage.

"Will it is going to be mine now forever! My family! My legacy to pass on!" He roared seeing his hand turn white against my mother's golden egyptian skin.

"No! You're killing her! How can you do this to us!" I cried feeling tears well in my eyes. The wire with thorns digging further in my chest as I struggled against them. The pain unrecognized as I slowly watched him helplessly suffocate my mother before me. Her lips moving to read that I will always be with you. Then her eyes rolled back, screaming as he let her fall to the dirt floor.

"It's a shame to waste such a good piece of warm flesh. I had always wonder what she would feel like having. That father of yours never deserved her. Just like you don't deserve to be breathing anymore. Then next will be your brother that will have the same fate as you." Leonardo smiled taking a dagger from his pocket. The long sharp blade attached to an ivory hilt that befittingly my father had given to him for his past birthday. "How long do you think it will take your father to break once I kill his beloved family. It will be so easy for me to take my kingdom back then. I bet he'll just hand it over consumed with so much grief in who killed them. He'll never know it was me." A twisted expression placed on his face while he worked on sharpening the blade further on a rock. A fear tactic that was doing the opposite.

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