Chapter Twenty-Four: Scars

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"Are you prepared for what maybe be coming your way." I retorted into the phone as I sat before Gorden Morkers slump body in the metal chair. His arms tightly bound behind him with bruises already starting to raise from my fist.

"I am prepared. He had an audience with me a few months ago. So I know what he looks like and will keep eyes wide open for him." Ace stated wondering what this guy was up to. Even worse that I had let him slip through my fingers. King Luciano no doubt would be disappointed if he were to know that the head of the Black Crown had been so close. All of us having had a suspicion that he had to do with Amelia's brain washing and secrets being relaid to him. Ace and the many other Prince informed to find these rats and exterminate them.

"You won't find him in less he wants to be found." Morker spit out blood that was in his mouth onto the concert floor in the warehouse we were in.

"He will show himself one way or another. And when he does all of our people will be ready." I grinned watching him take in raged breaths, slowly slipping away to either darkness or death. Either way it did not matter.

Ace continued to inform me of other happening with trade and distribution. Howl apparently having arrived in Russia this morning to bring his sister before the council, awaiting the way of her death to be carried out. One that I know would be in favor of what she deserved. No doubt a slow death that Nickolai Volkov was going to take part in happily.

As long as he did not tell Amelia.

My phone in hand started to ring again. This time displaying an unknown number. Answering the call I raised it to my ear. My voice deep with displeasure of being interrupted before I could end this fool finally before me.

"Speak." I clipped hearing trembling pants of sound coming thru the speaker. Whimpering making most of the noises I could only think being from a woman.

"Torrio! It's Bethany! Alessandra... Alessandra has been." She broke in between sobs as I stood in alert. The chair I was in flying back as everything in me slowed to a halt.

"Been what Bethany! Speak now!" I roared as her voice broke into hysterics of crys.

"Alessandra has been taken! Some big guys took her! Torrio! I don't know where they took her... they had so many guns... they killed all your guards! Slashed all the cars tires!" She choked between sobs as anger like no other took pumped through my veins. A thrust for blood I have never known before took over my jaw, clenching it tightly like my fist. Wanting nothing more to have the culprits throat in it and crushed.

"Where are you... I'm on my way now!" Signalling all my guards as Bethany relayed the cross streets she was at, hanging up the phone to leave the room.

"It sounds like you have a missing princess. I wonder how long she'll last... I guess it mostly depends on which wolf got to her first though." Morker chuckled having paused in the door frame, turning to glare at him only to see his head down with closed eyes.

"Either wolf that has her now is going to be put down." I growled, his breathing now shallow as I suspected he had finally passed out from either the pain or lack of blood that had been pooling around his chair. Slamming the door closed, knowing now he was useless to get information from. Telling one of the guards to get medical attention to him. Because if I didn't find Alessandra before he was patched up, he was going to answer my questions I had been asking with a multitude of more.

"Leave three guards here! Call all the rest to be on stand by and at the ready. Fully geard up. Lady Alessandra has been taken. I want a detective at the scene now! Call the chief of police. I want all cameras open to me NOW!" I orders as I walked to the awaiting SUV's outside. Samuel already informed and on his way to Bethany. No doubt would bet us there by the way she was trembling on the phone.

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