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"Your lying!" I sobbed looking at the dead body sprawled out on the floor. The blood stains mixing into the white marble floors. "MISS, please step away from the body!" The policeman said grabbing me by the shoulders.

Letting out a sob I looked down at my dad, the bloody knife laying down by his side. "Grace Smith, you are arrested for the manslaughter of Daniel Smith. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided to you." grabbing my arms ruffly he handcuffed me.

"I didn't do it!" I sobbed out thrashing threw his grip. "P-pl-please...let...let me at least say goodbye!" I say, crying out as the police officer roughly pulled me out of the only place I've ever known, my home.

"How old is she?" the lady asked the policeman as I sat in the police station, still shaking from the trama.

"Only 16 ma'am..." The policeman mumbled grabbing onto his belt. "16 and already killed her dad..?" The women roze her eyebrow challenging the policeman. I let out a sigh, she must... she has to believe I didn't do it.

"Her fingerprints were on the knife.." The police man reported to her. I turned my head to look at him

"I cook with that knife! Of course my fingerprints would be on it!!" I claimed tears running down my eyes like an endless stream. "Your family was rich, you really believe that I think you cook?"

He stepped closer to me each step felt like daggers stabbing me. My father was just laying there....and yet I'm here without even a goodbye. I let out a sob as he walked even closer to me. "Did you have a boyfriend, huh? Father didn't like him... so. you. killed. him?" Each word stung like a bee, each word caused a tear to come down...each word was every memory of my dad.

"Please, leave the investigator to her own work." The woman hissed at him. She took her glasses off wiping the lenses before putting them back on.

"You expect me to trust a woman?" The officer scoffed as he walked over to the women pointing a finger at her. "Are you going soft on the girl..huh? Or maybe you're just soft?"

He hissed his last words scrunching his nose at disgust. "STOP! Your speaking such nonsense!" The women spat as she walked over to me bending down.

"What happened?" she politely asked as the officer stood there angry.

"I..I would never kill my father! I love him!!" I sobbed out, she nodded her head in understanding.

"Okay, but we need to know what happened. Start from the begging of the day." I nodded my head slightly as she gave me a warm smile.


"Bye dad." I mumbled kissing him on the cheek.

"Love you sweetie." he said, his expression clearly worried.

Nodding my head I looked at the mirror one more time. My brown hair caressed down my back, my tight blue ripped jeans fitted snug as I wore my old One Direction t-shirt. It was always my favorite shirt, my father had bought it for me for my 14th birthday.

"Sweetie, your going to be late.." I looked over my shoulder to see my dad taking a sip of his black coffee. Nodding my head I grabbed my bag.

"Bye dad!" I hollered running out of the door to see my best friend Rachel in her 'hot new car.'

I have no idea why i'm even friends with her. She's a bitch and is only friends with me because my dad is wealthy.

Opening her car door I threw my bag into the back seat slamming the door. Opening the front seat door I jumped into the car listening to a song from cheat codes.

"Are you really gonna wearing that... shirt?" Rachel hissed applying her bright red lipstick looking in her rear view mirror.

"What's wrong with it?" I mumbled looking down at it. "Uhhh, whats wrong?" she let out a loud sigh putting the lipstick back in her purse. "Its 2017, not freakin 2015!" she snapped starting up the car.

She sped all the way to school. "Get out." she hissed. Rolling my eyes I opened the car door in the school parking lot, cars already flooding the place.

I walked into my school. Opening my locker, the head cheerleader Lily walked up to me a frown placed on her smug face. "Hey." she simply said making me roll my eyes.

"Listen...we're kicking you off the team.." She mumbled making me drop the books out of my hands. "WHY?!" I screamed looking at her in shock. She rolled her eyes, her blonde hair in perfect curls as she flipped it back.

"Look, you don't...have the looks." she hissed guestring to my clothes and shape. "Anyways I need the uniform back to me before 3rd period."

I opened my mouth, I would have to go all the way home to go get it. "I left it at home, can I give it to you tomorrow?" I asked picking the books off the floor.

"Uhhh let me think about it, ummm, no." she said twirling her hair.

After walking all the way to my house I unlocked the door. "Dad?! Sorry I forgot something!" I shouted out.

No answer.

Setting my bag on the floor i walked into the living room. "DAD?!" I screamed again looking around. Walking into the kitchen, I still couldn't find him.

Walking upstairs I immediately froze seeing the dead body of my dad laying on the floor. The only source of my light laid dead. "DAD!" I sobbed out quickly dialing 911.

End of flashback.

"That's it." I said recalling the sicking memories. My stomach turned as the woman nodded.

"Oka-" she was immediately cut off as the door bursted open.

A breathtaking man walked in, a smirk drawn on his face, his blue eyes and blonde, faded to brown, hair looking me up and down.

"Hello, I'm Luke and I'm Grace's...uncle. I've bailed her out." He announced a smug clear on his face.

Uncle? I don't have an uncle...

Author's Note:

Hey people. Here's a new story! I know I'm not done with The McDonald's Boy, but me and my friend made a deal or whatever. We've decided that we're partnering up on stories! I come up with story lines and what happens, and she writes it. This is our very first one together, so I hope you like it! Vote, comment, and follow so I know you read this. See you in the next chapter!

Hidden Beneath Each Other// L.R.H.Where stories live. Discover now