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Lukes pov

"Oh Grace, I'm so sorry. I should have taken you to my room and not let you go to his." I caress the side of her cheek as I lightly kick my bedroom door open.

"It's not your fault Luke. Its mine because I told you to go away." Grace whispers as I set her on my bed.

"It's not yours, it's his. He should have never laid a finger on you." I walk to the bedroom door. "I'm gonna quickly get your stuff, but ill be back. Make yourself at home." She nods and I walk to Ashton's room.

Anger boils in me as I think about what he did to Grace, poor Grace. I should have forced her to come with me and I wouldn't have done what he did to her. It's all my god damn fault. Its Ashton's fault too.

I'm gonna beat the shit out of him.

I burst through his door and find him sitting on his bed as if nothing happened. I walk over to him and punch him square in the jaw. "You asshole!"

He looks at me with disbelief before hitting me in the stomach. "Get the hell off of me!" I stumble back before going back up to him and punching him in the nose. I hear a small crack and am satisfied.

"What the fuck!" Ashton's hands fly up to his now bleeding nose and he runs to get a paper towel. "What the hell was that for!"

"What was that for?! Really, you don't know?! You raped Grace, raped her!" I pull at the ends of my hair in frustration.

"It's not rape if you like it. And I know she liked it. I mean, she was literally crying tears of pleasure." Ashton smirks.

"They weren't tears of pleasure you dumb ass! They were tears of fear and sadness!"

"Oh, whatever. It's not like you had your dick in her at the time..." Ashton sticks a piece of toilet paper in his left nostril to stop the blood flow.

"You wanna know why? Because I didn't want to, and if I did I would get consent." I stop and think for a minute. "Remember Alex?" Ashton looks at me crazily, with worry in his eyes.

"O-of course I remember Alex..." he mumbles.

"For heaven's sake, Grace could've been Alex. What if Grace went through what Alex did?" Ashton grabs an icepack from his mini fridge and gently presses it against his nose.

"Then... I don't know. I wouldn't want her to go through what Alex did."

"Then why the hell would you rape her?" Ashton sits down as if to take everything in.

"What the hell have I done?" He looks up at me with said worried eyes. "Luke, what do I do?"

"I-i don't know. I would let you apologize to Grace, but I doubt she wants to see you after you stole her virginity."

"That wasn't me, it was someone else. I would have never done that." He puts his head in his hands.

"Just help me with the bags, you psycho. And just put them outside my door, I don't want her seeing you." Ashton slowly nods and picks up 2 bags.

"Hi, Cheeto." The cat greets me by stretching then rubbing against me. "I'm sorry you had to see that... or hear it." The cat looks at me with pleading eyes, as if he knows what I mean.

"Why am I even talking to a cat? Gosh, I'm going crazy." I pat the cat on the head before gathering up its things and walking out. I click my tongue to get the cat attention and he runs over to me.

"Come on kitty," I mumble as he follows me to my room. I see Ashton waiting at my door as I get closer.

"Tell her I'm sorry, that I didn't mean it. Please, Luke." He practically begs me and I give in.

"Whatever I'll do it, but don't call or text while we're gone. I want her to have a good time before I well... get rid of her."

"Ooo, someone has a crushhh." Ashton playfully says.

"Oh shut up. I'll see you tomorrow morning before we leave." I wave at him as he walks back to his room.

Graces pov

"Whatever ill do it, but don't call or text while we're gone. I want her to have a good time before I well... get rid of her." I hear from outside Luke's door.

Is he... what? Is he talking about me or someone else? I hear the door click and snap out of my thoughts.

"Hello again. Come on kitty." Cheeto trots in and jumps up on the bed. He starts to sniff my face before he sneezes on me.

"I missed you too." I jokingly say and Luke laughs. He pulls out a tissue from his pocket.

"Thought you might need this," I say a small thanks before I wipe off the gross cat snot. "I um, Ashton said he's sorry." Luke awkwardly says.

"If he was sorry he wouldn't have done it," I mumble laying back down.

"I don't know what to do after... but if you want to change feel free to do so. I brought your bags here so you can wear that, or I have big sweatshirts you could wear?"

"I'll take a sweatshirt." He goes to his closet and picks out a blue tie-dye one that says 'Santa Cruz'. "I'm gonna go change in your bathroom." Luke nods his head as I grab some underwear and walk into the restroom.

Author's Note:

I swear I have an issue with switchings point of views so much. I swear ill try to control it with the next chapters. But hey, vote and comment if you liked this chapter, and ill see you next Saturday. (Its summer break so yee) love you all, bye

Hidden Beneath Each Other// L.R.H.Where stories live. Discover now