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Ashton's POV

"Good fucking job Calum. Just try to kidnap someone in public. Fucking dumb ass." I huff out in frustration.

"It's not my fault. It was the only chance I had so I took it." Calum crosses he arms.

"You could have just lead the cops somewhere else, not here." I roll my eyes.

"It could've been worse, they could immediately take me to jail." Right as he says that a tall dark haired man with a badge walks up to us.

"Sir, we'll be taking you to the station until further notice." Calum widens his eyes in disbelief.

"B-but you have no proof?" He says trying to back himself out of the situation.

"I said until further notice." The cop turns my friend around before putting handcuffs on his wrists and walking him out. I'm trying my hardest not to laugh as he looks back at me, his eyes still wide.

"We'll be leaving now." Another cop says leading his crew out.

"Did anyone find anything." Everyone shakes their head as they walk out.

The black and white cars ride off and everyone gathers in the main room of the warehouse. "So who's bailing him out?" A guy named Mitchy says.

"Let's leave him there for a few more days, he needs to learn his lesson," I say looking around.

"Someone needs to go check the basement and make sure everything is ok down there. Check that there's the same amount of people there was before, 8 people." Brandon says.

Fuck fuck fuck. Grace isn't down there, what do I do, what do I do. Maybe Luke didn't notify the boss about Grace?

I start picking at the skin around my nails as Brandon and Mitchy walked to the entrance of the basement.

Grace's POV

I drop the heavy duffel bag down beside the bed and give the room and look. It has an old look to it, with worn down walls and fading colors.

The bed was a little bigger than a twin size, with vanilla colored sheets and a brownish blanket on top. The pillows looked used, as well as the rest of the bed.

"Looks like we'll be touching each other all night," Luke says getting back to his usual self.

I remain silent as he walks up behind me, sliding one hand around my waist and the other on my shoulder. Chills go down my spine at his cold touch.

"Are you scared, babe." He whispers into my ear, his hot breath against my neck. My heart is racing and I want to push him off, but I know he can hurt me if I do.

His hand starts to slide up under my T-shirt, but his phone rings.

His hands slide up even more and he places his lips on my neck while the phone is still ringing. "L-luke, s-shouldn't you get that?" I breathlessly say.

"I like when you say my name like that." He removes his hands from beneath m shirt and his lips detach themselves from my neck. He picks up the phone, not checking who it is. "Hello?"

Lukes POV

Ugh, what now. This better be worth me leaving Grace.


"Luke, we got a problem. Mitchy and Brandon are checking the basement" Ashton says, sounding worried.

"And? Whats the big deal?" I reply.

"They're counting how many people are down there. Grace isn't there."

"Don't worry Ash. I forgot to tell them about her. So they still think there are 8 people down there." I chuckle.

"Oh thank God. You don't know how worried I actually was." Ashton sighs out in relief.

"I got to go, bye Luke. And be careful with Grace, don't do anything... stupid."

"I can't promise anything," I say hanging up.

I walk to where my duffel bag is and pull out my laptop. I set it down before grabbing an oversized T-shirt and a pair of pajama pants.

I toss the shirt to Grace. "Here, go to the bathroom and change into it." She quickly nods before walking into the restroom and closing the door.

I change out of black jeans and put on the pants I grabbed. I remove my shirt and go to sit on the bed. Opening my laptop, I click on Netflix.

Graces POV

I look at myself in the mirror, gripping the edge of the sink. I start to talk to myself in my mind.

Stop. Stop it. Stop feeling like that towards him. He's a monster. He murdered your father. He abused you. You should never feel anything but hatred towards him.

I feel tears brim my eyes but I wipe them away. I tug off the black jacket followed along by the white T-shirt. I take off my bra and put on the big black shirt Luke gave me.

It goes down far enough to cover half my thigh, but I mean its better than nothing. I take off my boots and then the black leggings that were given to me.

I look back in the mirror once more before walking out. I see Luke sitting on the cheap bed shirtless, on his laptop. He looks up as I approach him. He winks before saying "nice tits babe."

I immediately cross my arms over my chest and he chuckles lightly. He points at the lamp by the side of the bed, gesturing to turn it off. He then pats the space next to him.

I switch off the dimly lit lamp before walking around the bed and sitting next to him.

"You can get closer to me, wouldn't want you to fall off." I hesitate and he says, "I don't bite... well not yet." He smirks and I scoot closer to where our shoulders brush.

The same chills from earlier go up my spine. Stop it Grace, stop. He moves the laptop to where I can see it. "What do wanna watch babe." He says with the pet name he's chosen for me.

"I don't know, Clueless or Mean Girls?" I mumble. He types it in and clicks on it.

"You have such a wide range of movies." He jokes, expecting me to laugh but I don't.

We both lay down as Luke puts the laptop on his stomach, so we can both see it before pressing play. About 10 minutes into the movie I start dozing off, but before sleep overcomes me, a voice says "Goodnight love, sleep well."

Author's Note:

Hello, I feel crappy. Recently Ive been so done with life and it sucks. I don't know who to tell or what to do. Butttt, I get to go to the Meet You There tour so that's kinda nice. I also went to a festival thingy earlier and my social anxiety was very high. Well um, if you liked this chapter vote and comment. I will see you in the next chapter on saturday.

Hidden Beneath Each Other// L.R.H.Where stories live. Discover now