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Grace's pov

"Make sure you get everything on here." Luke quickly nods and pecks me on the lips. "I love you, see you later." He smirks at me with the same smirk that won me over all those years back.

I walk over to the couch placed in the middle of the large room, taking a seat and placing my lap top in my lap. After I decided to finish college I became an author. Luke got his resume cleared up and was fired from the job he had before, becoming a music teacher at my old high school.

Of course I told him about the abortion. Which he replied that it was fine because it was my choice and that it would've been difficult seeing as though I was barely 18. In the end we decided that no kids would be the best for us. A year ago we got married and it was the happiest time in my life.

My doorbell rings as I press play on my Spotify playlist and I rush over to open the door. The door is pushed open and I'm knocked down to the floor by the force.

A gun is pressed against my temple as the man grabs my phone shoving me against the wall.

"Call him, tell him you love him." The man growls and I'm shocked with fear. "Do it now you little slut!" I sob and shakily take the phone. As I press his caller name I let out one last sob.

"Hey princess." He says from the other line, the voice I fell in love with soothing my ears.

"Luke, I want you to know I love you. No matter what I will always love you and I will never stop. You're my everything, never forget that." I reassure him, despite the cracks of fear in my voice.

The man then takes my phone and puts it to the side. He pulls down the black hood and his eyes are blood shot. "Do you remember me?" I slowly shake my head, in which he then throws his head back with laughter. "You wouldn't though, would you? I mean you weren't even there when I slaughterd your father. Or when I fucked your mother senseless."

I gasp and begin to crawl away. He pulls me by my hair and drags me back to my original spot. "Stay the fuck where you are bitch. You don't get to move, you ruined my life."

"How did I ruin your life?" I choke out.

"I loved your mother. I gave her everything, even my heart. I gave her freedom and you know what she did with it? She ran off like a little whore and got pregnant with you. She tried to hide and she knew I was after her. She got your stupid husband to kill her and now look where we are."

"I know love. Love isn't killing the person you love's family." His eyes widen as he laughs in my face.

"You know love? Luke doesn't love you. At one point he was literally abusing you." I gasp and the man drags the gun around.

"I'm going to kill you and your precious Luke will come home to you bleeding out on the floor." I began to sob as he holds the gun against my temple. "Say hello to your parents for me." He lastly says before everything goes black.
Luke's pov

The phone line goes dead and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. I quickly check out before walking to my car and tossing everything in the back. My stomach starts to knot and I began to pray that she's okay.

I pull into the driveway, leaving everything in the backseat of my old suv. I walk to the entrance of the same mansion from years before, and my stomach drops to the floor as I realize the door is cracked open. "Grace, are you there?" I shakily ask.

I open the door and tears fill my eyes as I see the lifeless body before me. Blood leaks from her head, forming a small puddle on the hard wooded floor. "F-fuck no." I rush over and grab her hand in mine. "Grace, Grace, wake up please."

I shake her in hopes that she'll wake up from what feels like a terrible nightmare. "Grace wake up please! You cant leave me, you just cant!" My vision becomes blurry as I continue to shake her. My eyes dart to the side and I notice a gun. My negative thoughts begin to overcome the positive ones.

My finger lays lazily on the trigger while my thoughts scream at me.

And for once... I listen to them.
Author's Note:

Well that's that, Hidden Beneath Each Other. I started this chapter a little over a year ago with hope's of being a great fanfiction writer. I admit this story was bad and all over the place, in which I apologize.

I never had the intention of making luke seem as bad at the beginning and then make him look like god throughout the story. It was terribly worded and the storyline couldve been so much better.

Besides that, I would like to thank you for reading all the way to here if you did. I have high hopes for my next stories to come, and I promise that they will be tons better.

I love you and thank you x

Hidden Beneath Each Other// L.R.H.Where stories live. Discover now