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Graces POV

I can't. I cant do it anymore. I want to disappear, to not feel. To just die. I hate this so much, I'm alone. There was only one person who truly cared for me, that was my father. And he's gone.

He's fully gone.

"Grace? What's wrong?" Ashton rushes to my side as I'm laying on the ground. I just continue crying as he brings me into his arms. "Its okay Grace, everything's fine. I'm here for you." He begins to rub the top of my head as I get tears on his shirt.

"Oh cut the shit Ash. Grace I'm sorry, I didn't know about the note." Luke says walking over to me. "We need to try this USB thingy, see what's on it." He walks towards my father's workroom before coming back holding a small MacBook.

"Ash let go of her. Grace, can you please come here." Luke says opening his arms. I look up at him with teary eyes before putting my head back on Ashton's shoulder.

"I won't hurt you. I swear." I hesitate before crawling over to Luke's side and leaning on his shoulder. He plugs in the USB and waits for something to pop up.

Soon a thing pops up on the screen saying "Mr. Smith's private jet will be leaving at 12 pm tomorrow. You will find the jet awaiting you at the San Diego airport. Thank you for your service."

"I guess that means we'll be leaving San Diego tomorrow. Good thing your packed babe." Luke says.

"Can I come?" Ashton asks, perking up.

"The note said no one else, and I don't want to disobey a dead man who owes me money," Luke says shutting the computer and unplugging the USB.

"Please, you might need an extra person?" Ashton says still pushing on it.

"N-no. You can't come, Ashton, my dad said no." I mumble looking up at Ashton.

"Oh you have no say whatsoever in thi- I mean fine whatever." Ashton sounds angry at the beginning and I see darkness in his eyes until the very end as he shrugs it off.

"W-what?" I ask with a look of confusion on my face.

"Nothing... " he says standing up. "We should go..." pointing at the door he backs away from the closet.

"Whatever, just go Ash." Luke says and Ashton walks out of the room.

"Are you ok now?" Luke says helping me up but being careful.

"I've been a lot better." How can he be so kind but then be a complete monster? He can be an angel at one time but then satan another. It's so confusing.

"Well we should get going," he says but then looks back at me "unless you want to stay here for a night?" He gives me a questioning look.

"I'd rather not. You need the money, I need to find out the details of this thing you have with my dad-because you won't tell me-and we need to hurry." I say. "But it'd be nice if after all of this I could move back in here and stay here... alone." I shrug at the end and help myself up.

Lukes POV

Graces words go through my head after they leave her mouth. She doesn't know... we never let girls go after all of this because they'll just tell anyone. It's also strictly against our work policy.

I mean, there's been a few that have been injected with a serum that makes them forget everything, but its very rare. And there are consequences after that. Butttt, maybe I could bend the rules a little bit?

No, no, Luke stop. Your stupid, she's just a girl that's helping you get what you want. You obviously can't risk your job for a girl like her anyway.

"Luke, you ok?" Graces waves her small hand in front of my face.

"I'm fine." I let go of her other hand and walk away from her. "Let's go," I say coldly before walking out of the room and down the stairs.

I hear her grab the items I discovered in the closet and walk out of the room. "Goodbye" is all I hear before the door is shut and locked.

"Hey, Ashton! Could you help me with my bags!?" Grace shouts from the top steps.

"Sure hun." I glare at him and he winks at me as he walks up to grab her suitcase. I roll my eyes and walk down the long hallway. Its dark and I cant see very well as I approach a door.

"Meow" I hear come from the inside. I gently open the door and small orange cat immediately rubs against my black pants. Small purs vibrate against my leg as the cat rubs its face on my YSL boots.

"Grace?! What is this thing doing here?!" She peeks over the stairs at me.

"Oh my gosh Cheeto!" She gasps before running over to my spot in the hallway. She bends down to pick it up and it starts rubbing its face on her shoulder. "Aww, baby I missed you." She says sweetly, petting the cat.

"Why is it here?" I ask.

"Oh you know, I guess it just got into my completely secure mansion." She says sarcastically. "Of course it's my cat he lives here. I may or may not have forgotten he existed over the past few days." She looks away at the last part, still stroking the cat.

"What are we going to do with it?" Ashton says including himself.

"Who's we? Grace and I will be dealing with the cat." I say rolling my eyes at Ash.

"Hey, stop being mean to him," Grace says setting the cat on the floor.

"You don't even know why-" I stop myself. "You know what, never mind." The small orange cat strides over to me again.

I bend down and put my hand out to the cat. It sniffs it then rubs its cheek against it. I sigh, "what are we going to do with this? We surely can't take the cat with us." I look up at Grace.

"Yes, we can. It'll be fine." She says walking into the room the cat came out of. She walks out holding a bag of things and a small carrier. She sets the carrier down and whistles. "Come here Cheeto. Come on baby." The cat then runs into the carrier and lays down.

Grace zips it up then places it in her arms. "Grab that bag, its some food, toys, and essentials." She nods her chin to the bag she brought out of the room.

I roll my eyes, picking up the bag. "I'm not your maid, if anything you would be my maid." Grace mumbles a whatever before walking to the front door of the large house. As she opens the door there's a small beeping noise from the living room. She gives me a questioning look while setting down the carrier and walking over to the sound.

She picks up a device and her eyes widen in surprise. "So again, I may have forgotten I had a phone." She unlocks it and looks at her notifications. "Holy crap." I chuckle at her choice of words.

She puts her phone on speaker:
"Hey, this is Rachel. Just calling to say sorry about your dad and all. Also, could I have a bit of what he left behind? Lol, nevermind. You're still off the cheerleading team by the way. Anyways, by" the voicemail ends and Grace looks as if she might cry.

Author's Note:

Yeee, I brought back Rachel from chapter one. I know she's a bitch and all but I needed more content🤷🏼can we also just talk about how gr8 Haley Kiyoko is. She is a beautiful gay woman and I fucking love her. Mk Im getting off topic but I hope you liked this chapter. Vote and comment and ill see you with the next update on Saturday

Hidden Beneath Each Other// L.R.H.Where stories live. Discover now